January 01, 2025

What is in Your Hand? by Lorrie Orr


Here we are, beginning a brand-new year. 365 days that unfold one by one. In Exodus 3, Moses, called by the Lord to an enormous task, expresses doubt about his abilities. The Lord replies to him, “What is that in your hand?” God then uses Moses’ staff to demonstrate His power to use what Moses already had.

As we begin the year, this month's challenge is to consider where and how we might move forward in faith and in writing. Share what is in your hand. What do you know about yourself? How has God revealed Himself to you as a writer? What tools do you possess to help you? How can you use what God has given you to enhance your writing?

When I think of the many ways that God has led me think of myself as a writer, I had a difficult time narrowing this post to a reasonable length. Here are a few of the gifts God has given me.

1. A love of words. Words are beautiful things. From an early age I devoured words. Words jump out at me everywhere. I find the shape of letters and words appealing. Spelling errors, particularly in public, like on big advertising boards, newspapers, or church screens stand out like a petunia in an onion field. (Not that I haven't made my own share of spelling errors.) I love putting words together to create images or to tell stories.

2. A story. God has given me a story of love and faithfulness. Of redemption. Of a grace that is so beautiful I see it everywhere. Of intense challenges and ordinary days. Of a life I could never have imagined for myself. In my life there are everyday stories where God shows up in small but significant ways, and life-altering stories where God's hand works amazing miracles. Taking note of these moments is part of living a life that honours God.

3. Source material. For 21 years I wrote thousands and thousands of words by hand in letters to family and friends. Letters were my only connection between Ecuador and Canada. Shortly before my mother-in-law passed away in 2017 she gave me two boxes full of those letters. She had saved every one of them, going so far as printing out emails in the later years. It was my eldest daughter who said, "Mom, you should put them into a book for all of us." Her idea spurred me to begin a memoir that is very nearly complete.

4. Encouragement. I tend to belittle myself, particularly in my writing. Creating with words is like having children; it's incredibly hard work. Exposing my writing to the world is difficult. I don't expect praise and adulation, but when someone comments that they've enjoyed a piece of writing, or found solace or encouragement through my words, I thank God for his encouragement.

These things in my hand are God's gifts to me. I think of the Apostle James' words "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." I desire to honour God by accepting and developing the gifts he gives me.

Lorrie Orr writes from Vancouver Island.
She hopes to publish her memoir in 2025 with God's help.


  1. What a wonderful post to start the year, Lorrie. Many words to which I can truly relate. Looking forward to reading your memoir! Happy and blessed New Year.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. It's going to be a steep learning curve to finish and publish the memoir.

  2. A wonderful start, Lorrie, to the new year of writing here on InScribe Writers Online.

    You say words are beautiful things - I agree. And I appreciate the way you put this: "I don't expect praise and adulation, but when someone comments that they've enjoyed a piece of writing, or found solace or encouragement through my words, I thank God for his encouragement." Yes! For me that's what makes writing worth it - not the praise or adulation but the knowing that someone received something good from the words I shared.

    Thank you, Lorrie.

    1. Thank you, Brenda, for your encouragement. And your beautiful blog!

  3. Happy New Year, Lorrie! Thank you for starting of our 2025 posts. Thanks also for sharing the gifts God has blessed you with, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Alan. Happy New Year to you.

  4. Thank you for starting off our writing year so well, Lorrie! Looking forward to the diversity of what Inscribe writers will be sharing through the monthly writing prompts!

    1. Thanks, Susan. Yes, it's going to be interesting to see what everyone writes. Exciting!

  5. Thank you for this Loririe. Love your line, "Words jump out at me everywhere... Spelling errors, particularly in public, like on big advertising boards, newspapers, or church screens stand out like a petunia in an onion field." I thought I was the only one.

    1. Thanks, Bob. It's nice to know I'm not the only one, too!

  6. How wonderful! I love this admonition - to use "what is in our hands"!

  7. Thanks for starting us off this New Year with such an encouraging post, Lorrie. And thanks for your writing prompts. I look forward to the scope and depth of what our writers will contribute this year.

  8. I'd never thought of Encouragement as something that was "in my hand." You've opened up a whole vista with that one point. Thank you, Lorrie!


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