January 15, 2025

The Posture of My Hands by Lorilee Guenter

I hold my hand open, fingers straight, palm flat facing the sky. It remains empty as items placed upon it roll off. Burdens that are not mine to carry are released since my hands, when open, won't hold them. Likewise, distractions and temptations that threaten to overwhelm and drag me down are released. They are not allowed to drown me. The weight disappears with hands wide open.

With empty hands, I begin to curl my fingers until my hands resemble a bowl to be filled. God is waiting to fill these open hands. He lavishes compassion, grace and everlasting love on those who trust Him. To lavish is to fill to overflowing. It is extravagant giving. Ephesians 1:7-8 tell of God's forgiveness and riches of the grace He lavishes on us. From there we receive the gift of His wisdom and understanding that makes His will and good pleasure known to us. 1 John 3:1 lets us know the Father has lavished His great love on us. We are filled to overflowing with God's gifts when we hold our hands cupped and waiting.

My open hands are filled beyond what they can hold. God's rich grace and great love spill over the sides. Through my pen, they fall as words on a page enabling others to experience the same gifts. When readers open their hands in trust, trickles turn to floods. God's glory is seen and heard not because of us, but because He spills out more than anyone can hold. He spills out in words and actions that touch us and those around us. We are not meant to hold it all. Our cupped hands are no match for God's extravagance.

I'm tempted to close my hands around this flood. I want to hold on, but that is not a posture of trust. The more I trust, the more I am able to hold these gifts loosely knowing God will continue to pour them out, filling me and filling His people.

God's extravagant love includes discipline. I don't like discipline, nor do I like the storms of life that come from living in a broken world. Still I can trust. God is in the storm. He puts limits on the trouble [Job 17]. He oversees the discipline. They are different but many times look the same. My hands closes as I hold on to the promise of God's presence. I am still surrounded by His extravagant, unending love. I am still being taught through His wisdom that brings understanding. 

I have two hands with three postures: hand open wide, fingers curled to form a bowl, and hand clasped tight, holding firm. Each posture has its place and purpose in my life. I strive to use each posture well as I release what is not mine. Someone else will tell the stories that are not mine to tell. My overflowing hands spill forth stories of God's everlasting, unchanging, incomprehensible character. My clasped hands hold firm to the promises I have been given. I trust God will continue to teach me to use these postures well so that no matter the circumstances, my hands will be full of God's presence and the stories of His work in and around me.

Lorilee Guenter is a writer and artist from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. She enjoys exploring God's creation. Her hobbies and interests are varied which leads to an eclectic set of books she is reading.


  1. I love what your words have painted for me to see today, Lorilee. That each posture with our hands has its place and purpose in our lives. How beautiful. Thank you for cupping your hands and offering us these words of grace and hope - I am drinking them in.

  2. Wow! I'm not sure what else to say. I will need to ponder and reflect on this a bit more. Know that your words are powerful. God is using you...

  3. Love this post and the postures of your hands in relationship with God. Thanks, Lori. Tons to think about.

  4. These were my favourite words today, Lorilee: "God's glory is seen and heard not because of us, but because He spills out more than anyone can hold. He spills out in words and actions that touch us and those around us. We are not meant to hold it all. Our cupped hands are no match for God's extravagance." Love love love it.

  5. Thank you for sharing these thoughts, Lorilee; I especially love the summary of the various postures, and especially these sentences: "Someone else will tell the stories that are not mine to tell. My overflowing hands spill forth stories of God's everlasting, unchanging, incomprehensible character. My clasped hands hold firm to the promises I have been given."


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