January 03, 2025

Say Yes to Alphabet Prayers by Sandi Somers


As we near the end of our alphabet project, I discovered something surprising.

I lay awake one night, worrying. Gradually I turned to praying for a family on my prayer list. It wasn't too long before I fell asleep. Next morning my mind was clear of the worry, and I realized I hadn't even finished praying for everyone.

Occasionally I have restless wakeful nights, and I try praying. Recently I read an article that suggested praying Scriptures--work your way through the alphabet. Recite scriptures until you fall asleep. 


It was a great idea. I could combine alphabet Scriptures with praying for people or personal needs. So the next wakeful night, I began.

A "Ask...Seek...Knock."
B "Bless the Lord, O my soul."
C "Confess your sins one to another."

 I didn't get too far. By the letters G and H, I was drifting in and out of sleep. But I did wake enough to J, and recited, "Jesus wept."

The next sleepless night, I decided praise was in order. I focused on Scriptures from Isaiah, even though thoughts were out of alphabetical order: "Almighty God, Wonderful Counsellor Everlasting Father, Prince of peace." "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord."

Then came a night I lay awake, even with quoting Scriptures. I was surprised that, though I've memorized a lot of verses, I couldn't recall examples--K, Q, R---Perhaps I wasn't fully alert. 

On later nights, I diverted from a strict alphabetical order and prayed The Lord's Prayer, praying into each verse. Or Psalm 23. Or favourite verses. 

I prayed for our pastors. I prayed for my writing. I prayed for our Canadian leaders. 

Then I realized something else was happening.

I was generally sleeping more soundly. The Lord's words were becoming a balm to my spirit. And I wasn't worrying nearly as much.

But more. I was reminded of how important it is to pray with Scripture. In this way, we know we are praying according to God's will. If we don't, we can, as the German theologian Dietrich Bonhoefffer wrote, "become victim of our own emptiness", praying in generalities.

In my regular morning prayer time, I began writing down special Scriptures for people--a process that will continue to grow. 

How will this process grow and influence my praying? My hope is that it will lead to more effective praying. God's word is powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit...and attitudes of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12).

If you haven't tried it, pray through Scriptures during a wakeful night, matching verses with special requests. 

God bless you this coming year.

Image by Pixabay


  1. Thank you, Sandi, for your encouragement and practical advice on prayer. When my children were young they had an illustrated alphabet Scripture book. I read the book so many times that they, and I, memorized those verses. For many years I have used those verses at night when I cannot sleep. I rarely make it past K, and sometimes start there to review verses further along in the alphabet. Your words "The Lord's word was becoming a balm to my spirit" are so true.

    1. Thank you, Lorrie! What a wonderful story you have--and a further encouragement when you can't sleep!

  2. I can relate to falling asleep while praying, Sandi. Good to know I am not alone in this!

    I'll be sharing your idea of praying scriptures to give a more restful sleep. My mom often lies awake worrying and praying at night *without* falling asleep. Maybe praying scriptures will help her.

    1. I hope your mom tries praying scripture at night.

  3. Thank you, Sandi. When I can't sleep I recite John 1:1-12 (KJV) I usually never make it to the end before falling back to sleep. If I do make it through I go over to Psalm 23.

    1. Thanks, Bob, for your example of praying memorized scripture at night.

  4. Thank you, Sandi! I too pray in the night and am encouraged to try different things thanks to your post. Blessed and Happy New Year to you.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. I'm glad my post encouraged you. Like you, I'm trying different Scripture strategies at night.

  5. Blessings to you, Sandi, for these great ideas of praying through Scripture. I'm going to pay closer attention to this, especially during bouts of insomnia.

    1. Thanks for commenting, and for praying Scripture on wakeful nights.

  6. Oh Sandi! What wisdom! I often do this as well when I have a wakeful night.

    1. Thanks, Tracy, for sharing how you often pray Scriptures at night.

  7. This is new for me, Sandi. Thank you soooo much.

    1. Thanks, Aritha. I hope you try praying Scripture at night. It really works!

  8. Anonymous1:43 pm GMT-7

    I pray at night too, Sandy, but this adds an extra dimension to that. I appreciate the wisdom of your blogs. Thank you. Sharon Espeseth

    1. Thanks, Sharon, for confirming how scripture adds an extra dimensions to your night-time praying.

  9. Sandi, I read your inspiring post when it first came out. And have been using the alphabet as I settle my mind and heart these past nights, whispering verses in the order of the alphabet. It's something I used to do years ago, but totally forgot until you mentioned it. Which then reminded me of my growing up years when my sisters and I used to play a game while doing chores - most often while weeding in the garden - where we'd search for songs and hymns to sing and use the letters of the alphabet to prompt the next song. Thank you for your words that have brought it back into my mind. It's been a blessing.

    1. Thanks for your encouraging comment, Brenda. How interesting that you practised a habit that I discovered only recently!! So glad you're revisiting this prompt.

  10. I love this idea, Sandi. Thanks for a lovely post.

    1. Thanks, Joy! When will we see your next blog post?


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