October 01, 2024

V is for Victory ~ by Wendy L. Macdonald



V – Victory in writing is boosted by using strong verbs rather than leaning on adverbs and other weak words.

I – I is for insight into our ideal reader’s mind and aiming to satisfy her with treasures she’ll find.

C – C is for considering if our words are kind and true, for deleting stereotypes is the right thing to do. 

T – T is for testing our words in the Light of God’s Word, so we’re scribes of truth who avoid causing hurt.

O – O is for optimizing the opinions of others because first readers help us bless our sisters and brothers.

R – R is for rules we know how to break since following writing rules legalistically is a mistake.

Y – Y is for yes; we can do this and never give up because God is our Helper and He fills our cup. 

For lack of guidance a nation falls,

    but victory is won through many advisers.

Proverbs 11:14 NIV 

Which tip for victory spoke to you?  

Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and YouTuber who loves photographing nature on Vancouver Island. Her happy place is making junk journals to sell in her Etsy shop. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.”  


  1. Thank you for these victory tips. The reminder I constantly need is "y". I can do this because God is my Helper. He fills my cup.

    1. That's the tip I need to lean into more often. Thank you, dear Lorilee.

  2. Hi Wendy! I admit I became a bit giddy when I read your "R" tip for victory. I'm not a rebel, but I do love to break a writing "rule," when I can. (insert smiley emoji here) Thank you for this fun teaching poem, my friend.

    1. Thank you for making me smile, dear Alan. Yes, there are times when breaking a writing rule can be a blessing to the reader. :)

  3. Hello Wendy! It will be curious to see how many V words this creative group can pull together for this month. I know that Victory was on my list, but there are more. Love the idea of tips with the letters. Y is the one I'm focusing on these days - in Christ's strength I can do much.

    1. Amen, dear Lorrie, to doing much through His strength. You're most welcome to choose victory too for your V post. Blessings.

  4. Thanks for your wonderful post, Wendy. Y is the one that I need to always, always remember but sometimes forget when I get in His way. Thank you.

    1. Oh my, I'm constantly getting in God's way. He's so patient and kind. Blessings.

  5. Thanks for this wonderful post, Wendy! Count me in on T and Y!

  6. T and Y for me as well! I want to be a truthful writer who doesn't wound others.

    1. I'm grateful God gave us His Word and the Holy Spirit to guide us. I know I need His guidelines every hour. Blessings.

  7. Michelle Strutzenberger4:32 pm GMT-7

    Love this, Wendy. They actually all speak to me - V, I, C, T, O, R, and Y! Thank you for sharing your gift!

    1. Thank you, dear Michelle. Blessings as you continue to write with Jesus.

  8. Thank you, Wendy, for another lovely post. Each point has had value and meaning for me in my writing life. Today I'm especially glad for T: "T is for testing our words in the Light of God’s Word, so we’re scribes of truth who avoid causing hurt."

    1. Thank you, dear Brenda. I appreciate critiques of my writing because others help me spot any "T" concerns. Blessings.

  9. What a great start to this next letter! Victory was likely my word, too, but I think there is lots that can be said. I especially like the "Yes!" part. (I do love a good acrostic!)

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. I hope you do choose to write about victory. Blessings.


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