July 21, 2023

Grappling With G - Tracy Krauss

I'm loving this year's letter-inspired prompts! Inspiration for A Through F came almost instantly for me. Although there were many excellent words to choose from, I knew beyond any doubt what I would write about when it came to each of these letters. 

Then along came G. 

I ended up with a long list of possibilities (39 to be exact) but nothing felt quite right. 

I write in multiple GENRES, but a main theme that seems to crop up again and again is GRACE. However, GRACE has already been used more than once this month, so I didn’t want to repeat what was already said. My fiction has been called GRITTY in that it sometimes contains edgy elements, but I do this intentionally in order to create characters that are GENUINE. However, I draw the line at anything GRATUITOUS. If the content doesn’t have a purpose, I’m not going to include it for the shock factor.

I believe there is always room for GROWTH as an author. It’s why feedback is so important and why we must develop thick skin in order to see our own writing flaws and then learn from them. No one is beyond improvement, no matter how GUT-WRENCHING the criticism. 

I love what Barbara Fuller already said about GENEROSITY and all the “risks” that go with it. Joy Bailey’s post called “GO HOME!” made me laugh and also ponder its deeper spiritual implications. Bob Jones gave an amazing list of prompts to spur our GRATITUDE. In fact, every post so far in this series has been superb and worth the time it takes to read and respond. What could I possibly add that wasn’t drivel, just filling up the page? 

Then the one word I’d been searching for hit me--and it felt so obvious! 


That’s the bottom line. If GOD isn’t in it, then there’s little point in doing it. 

I’m beginning to see more and more that GOD must be my focus in all areas of life, including my writing. This doesn’t mean I only write about GOD, but that everything I do must GLORIFY Him and His purposes. 

In the end, it is really quite simple: Put GOD first, and everything else with fall into place. 


Tracy Krauss writes from her home in northern BC. (But she's still a Roughrider fan! Can't take that out of this prairie girl!) Visit her website for more on her thirty-PLUS books, and plays. 

"Fiction on the edge without crossing the line"



  1. Loved this post, Tracy. "If GOD isn’t in it, then there’s little point in doing it." So true. Thanks!

    1. I was surprised at the struggle I hd at first in writing this, but in the end God is good!

  2. Thank you, dear Tracy, for making me smile at the beginning of your post and throughout. And thank you for reminding us that when it's all been written and published, glorifying God is the best bottom line. Amen and blessings.

    1. It really is the only point, isn't it? Blessings!

  3. Nancy Young8:45 am GMT-7


  4. Ruth Keighley9:01 am GMT-7

    Well done. Every one of those “G” words are worth contemplating

    1. it has been a great month (and year) all around.

  5. Love the Dr. Seuss illustration, Tracy! Your post reminds me of the saying, "The plain things are the main things." These words of yours bear repeating each day, "I’m beginning to see more and more that GOD must be my focus in all areas of life, including my writing. This doesn’t mean I only write about GOD, but that everything I do must GLORIFY Him and His purposes."

    1. It is simple - but not always easy! Blessings, Valerie.

  6. Hi Tracy! Your words in this post gave me the warm fuzzies as I read it though. What I gleaned is how we as a group are in this blog, writing group, and the world, together...with the blessings of God. Yes indeed, "This doesn’t mean I only write about GOD, but that everything I do must GLORIFY Him and His purposes." This is an encouragement and a comfort. Thank you so much, Tracy.

    1. I totally concur, Alan. it has been a real blessing to be part of what is happening here.

  7. Hello Tracy, Martina here. I love your post. Very encouraging, hopeful, and enjoyable to read.

    1. Thank you Martina! I am so glad you were able to comment and stop by!

  8. What a wonderful post, Tracy! Had a similar experience with ‘G’, especially finding that God is faithful as I struggled to write. I agree, ‘everything I do must Glorify Him and His purposes.’ Oh that it would always be so. Another struggle for me. Thanks again.

  9. You went through what I go through every month in preparing to write. Thanks for sharing.


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