July 19, 2023

Gentle Gifts—Two-way Grace ~ Guest Post by Ruth Smith Meyer


Words as gentle gifts,

 or gentle words as gifts,

 extended with generous grace 

and genuine sensitivity,

 generate insight, 


understanding and growth.

Gentle words, are gifts 

that I can grant to others 


Graciously accepting

 the words of others,

generously granting them time  

as I listen carefully with my heart, 

their expressed words 

become gentle gifts to me. 

Then my words 

whether written or spoken

become even gentler gifts, 

extended with

 genuine understanding, 

and graceful sensitivity 

that can better generate insight, 

acceptance understanding, 

growth and love. 

Gentle: calm, compassionate, considerate, fair, honourable, kind, lenient, peaceful, polite, sensitive, serene, soothing tranquil.

If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame. Proverbs 1:5

Let the wise hear and increase in learning.  Proverbs 2:2


Ruth Smith Meyer lives in her little house in the fairy-tale town of Ailsa Craig, Ont. Widowed twice, she finds comfort and companionship in her writing. She is part of a writers’ group that keeps her focused. She invites readers to visit her Facebook page: Smith Meyer Books


  1. Thank you, dear Ruth, for this lovely poem. Listening is a rich gift we can give others. And yet it costs only time and grace to give or receive it. So much wisdom in your gentle words.

  2. Thank you so much for your poetic heart, Ruth. Listening is indeed a gift.

  3. What a beautiful poem, Ruth. Thank you for sharing it with us.


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