July 03, 2023

G is for Grace ~ by Wendy L. Macdonald

Grace is the grease that keeps my writing wheels from rusting out when I’m stuck in a rut.  

Who enjoys rejection?

Grace is the reason we don’t toss our pens and run the other way. 

Who will tell the grace story in our voice and reach the people God has placed us among? 

What is grace?

My old dictionary used words like kindness, mercy, and pardon in its definition. Christ is the King of kindness. Without Him, we wouldn’t have an eternal reason to write.

By grace, we were found and rescued. By grace, we will arrive in Heaven. And by this same grace, we hope to leave published pages that point to Jesus. Through our writing—and by God’s grace—we can write His Name across the publishing sky for many to see.

While I was at a recent writer’s retreat, I felt as close to home as I’ve ever felt. I wasn’t the only one who relied on grace. Writers need lots of it. Writers belong to a tribe that loves to write and must write.

It’s how we make sense of our place in a world that often doesn’t feel like home.

Grace helps inspirational writers accept when they’re not accepted. It empowers them to get busy putting words together that their segment of the reading world is waiting for.

Grace gives us work to do and helps us get it done.

It’s an honor to live a grace-filled life. Whatever gifts we’ve been given are meant for sharing to a needy world. Let’s not worry for a second if we don’t fit in as well as award-winning worldly writers.

Our rewards are in Heaven and in the satisfied sighs of other hungry-for-grace people who feel less alone because they read our words.

I’m nosy to know how grace helps you keep your pen on paper.

Grace is the Word

G is for grace

And for goodness and God

And is much needed by writers 

Who tend to be odd

G is for grace

And for grit and guts

Because without all three

We’d stay stuck in our ruts.

~ wlm

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

2 Corinthians 1:2-4 NIV 

Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and podcaster who loves to photograph nature on Vancouver Island. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.” Her main website is wendylmacdonald.com where she enjoys interacting with readers.


  1. Yes! Grace is the perfect way to start us off this month! I am so grateful for how you have taken on this blog, Wendy. You have really shaped it into something special. Your kind and affirmative comments always bless me (and the writer, I'm sure.) It's taken on a freshness this year and I am really enjoying these "letter" posts.

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. I appreciate how you helped me feel safe and free to shape InScribe according to the way I was led to. It's obvious you follow His lead well in whatever you do.

  2. Good going, Wendy! A great start to a month about Gs. As Tracy says, you graciously lifted the blog to a new level.

    1. Thank you, Bob. I appreciate what you and others are sharing here. It's humbling to read the wonderful posts everyone is writing. You and others encourage us to reach higher with our words. Blessings.

  3. Dear Wendy, like Tracy and Bob I am appreciative of you beginning this month with, "G is for Grace." Where would we be without the grace of God? I love your reminder here, "Whatever gifts we’ve been given are meant for sharing to a needy world. Let’s not worry for a second if we don’t fit in as well as award-winning worldly writers." Indeed, we are not of this world and neither is our message, but God loves the world. We, therefore, write with His approval for the sake of, as you say, "Whatever gifts we’ve been given are meant for sharing to a needy world." Wow, what a high calling we have as writers! Thank you so much, sister!

    1. Amen that: "We are not of this world and neither is our message, but God loves the world."
      I know I sure didn't deserve His love. How gracious God is to me over and over again.
      Blessings as you continue to share your godly gifts with others.

  4. Thank you, Wendy for this great beginning to the month of G! "Grace gives us work to do and helps us get it done" are some of the words that spoke to me. Without grace we would be sorry creatures indeed.

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear Lorrie. Yes, grace transforms us from sorry creatures into soaring creations in Christ.

  5. Thanks for beginning our G month with Grace, Wendy. Looking ahead, I see it's a common theme and resonates with many of us. How meaningful your words were to me: "by...grace, we hope to leave published pages that point to Jesus. Through our writing—and by God’s grace—we can write His Name across the publishing sky for many to see." I'm sure it is the prayer all of us pray.

    1. Indeed, there's no better prayer for a writer to pray. Thank you & blessings, dear Sandi.

  6. Loved your post. Beautifully written word about grace. I love these lines of yours: "And by this same grace, we hope to leave published pages that point to Jesus. Through our writing—and by God’s grace—we can write His Name across the publishing sky for many to see." Without His grace, I would be a sorry mess indeed. I'm so grateful for the grace to write and carry on. Thank you, dear Wendy!

    1. Thank you and blessings, dear Brenda. I need His grace day by day and page by page. His gentleness and faithfulness amaze me moment by moment. ❤️

  7. Wonderful post, Wendy. It is an extraordinary ‘honour to live a grace filled life’ as you say, and may we never lose sight of our responsibility to ‘share our gifts with a needy world.’ A wonderful beginning.


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