May 31, 2023

E is for Echoes from Heaven ~ Guest Post by Terry Ruth Eissfeldt

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash 

“I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.” John 5:19 NLT

Jesus life, in word and deed, was an echo from Heaven. He partnered with His Father to stay true to His mission. Many times the world pressed in, and the needs overwhelmed so, ‘Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.’  Luke 5:16 NLT

We are invited to co-create with God: commune with Him, hear His message and echo it to the world through words and deeds, as Jesus did. 

And when the world presses in, and the needs overwhelm we also must withdraw for prayer. 

It’s the only way to quiet the cacophony of chaos.

Echoes From Heaven

Nonstop room noise

overpowers my mind

taking the place of


Nowhere quiet

to hear eternal 

words of life and love

Instead a ceaseless flow

a nagging narrative

demands to be heard

Fresh batches of 

rambunctious racket 

attack my thoughts

taking my time hostage


days and years 

threatened to 

disappear uncensored

All muddled together 

a kaleidoscope of 

escaped energy

Oh for reprieve

from the incessant 


which blot out life


peace and tranquility

overpower the important 

by its tyranny 

Then I hear 

God’s voice calling

me to withdraw

to the desolate

desert where only

He is

Determined to mute

the dissonance

I slip away 

to the quiet place 

for prayer



Heavenly communion

I wait as all the 

hellish hullabaloo

is finally

squashed silent

in His presence

Peace reigns 

as quiet 

replaces the 

cacophony of chaos

I lean in

hoping to hear 

the beat of God’s

very heart


Echoes from Heaven

gently caress

worldly weariness

from my brow

Whispers of love 

sweetly kiss open 


eyes and ears

Refreshed and 


I’m able to hear 

His love 

His heart

His instruction

And now 


I reach for a pen

to share 

with others

echoes of Heaven.

Terry Ruth Eissfeldt is called to:

 "communicate healing, hope and wholeness through written, spoken and performing arts."


  1. Thank you, dear Terry Ruth, for this lovely "echoe of Heaven."
    It's a helpful and healing reminder of God's deep love for us.

  2. Anonymous7:31 am GMT-7

    You perfectly described the lingering after effects of TBI. Only God our Father can embrace and calm the storm as the world forces chaos upon fragile brain and emotional dysreguation. Jesus opened the way directly to the Father. The Holy Spirit has much work to do in the battlefield of the mind.

    Thank you for a perfect description for a bruised reed with TBI.

  3. A beautiful poem, Terry Ruth! What particularly resonated with me was the stanza: "Echoes from heaven gently cares worldly weariness from my brow." And thanks for including your last stanza of picking up your pen and sharing your thoughts with us!

  4. Oh my heart. How this wonderful poem has touched me. Thanks very much.

  5. Beautiful poem, Terry Ruth! I especially loved this thought:

    I lean in
    hoping to hear
    the beat of God’s
    very heart

    Oh yes... Thank you!


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