May 10, 2023

Focus on Endurance and Encouragement - Guest Post by Kathleen Friesen

I’ve been reading Paul’s letter to the Romans and have loved Romans 15:13 for a long time, even using it as my tagline when signing books. But before reaching that familiar blessing, verse five leapt off the page.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had. (Romans 15:5 NIV)

That resonated clearly, even though I misunderstood part of the meaning. More about that in a moment. First, the source of endurance and encouragement? God Almighty. 

Then I checked Strong’s Concordance and got a surprise. The Greek word translated endurance in the NIV is huomone, meaning patience, endurance, or cheerful, hopeful waiting. 

Rats. I’d thought that if I could tap into this verse and get God’s endurance, I’d have unlimited stamina. Power to do what I wanted? Wondrous! My house would always be clean, I could run marathons, and writing a book would be a snap. Wouldn’t that be fantastic? But I was wrong.

Instead of power to accomplish my own goals, Father God grants me patience to endure my weakness. To-do lists are beneficial but can easily replace attentive listening to the Holy Spirit. And He does provide the strength to complete the tasks He wants me to do. I’m still learning that when I listen closely and do what’s important to Him, the rest doesn’t matter. God doesn’t run His finger along the coffee table to check for dust. He doesn’t expect me to lace up my runners and break the tape at the finish line. And writing? That’s where I really need His endurance and encouragement. 

Discouragement sets in too easily when a story stalls or refuses to begin. The last few years have been difficult, and the words I need to create scenes flit away like butterflies. When that happens, I desperately need to lean into God’s cheerful, hopeful waiting. Perseverance is important, but beating myself up for failing to make progress doesn’t work either. God knows my heart, and He will give me the words in His time.

Encouragement comes from God through His word and through His children. The Greek word here is paraklesis, which may sound familiar. When Jesus promised his disciples He would send them the Comforter, the Holy Spirit (John 14:16 KJV), the word for Comforter is parakletos, one who comes alongside. 

“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.”

Other translations render parakletos as Advocate, Helper or Counselor, which also fit with the word encouragement. 

There have been times when I’ve struggled physically and emotionally, and our Father prompted someone to send a message of hope. One time a note from a fellow Inscribe member came in the mail with exactly the loving thoughts I needed that day. Other times I received a text or phone call, each one a precious encouragement. And God’s word speaks to my heart, reassuring me that He loves me and is in control not only of my life but the whole world. What a blessing!

God extends endurance and encouragement to me, making it possible for me to turn and offer encouragement to others. When I see others struggling or even sense they may be, He gives me the courage to reach out. 

This is an ongoing lesson, because although I know better, my tendency is to “turtle” and hide away from everyone. The Holy Spirit draws me out of my shell, encouraging me to take small steps of love. Send a text. Offer to pray. Give a hug. Write a positive review. And guess what? When I give the blessing of encouragement, it comes back multiplied, every single time – God’s amazing economy at work.

Kathleen Friesen loves writing stories of faith that overcomes. Through her characters, she invites readers to risk faith, dare to love, and trust God with the consequences. After several years in the Okanagan valley, she and her husband have re-settled in Martensville, Saskatchewan with their rescue dog Lacy.


  1. What a treasure house of wisdom you've given us, Kathleen! We all need encouragement to run our race with endurance, both from the Lord and from others. And you've reminded us that we're to encourage others, too!

    1. Anonymous6:48 am GMT-7

      Thank you, Sandi! I'm thankful the lessons God is teaching me can help others.

  2. I agree with Sandi - a treasure house! These are two E words that we all need to embrace. I loved hearing your "voice' in this post, too. It was a little bit like listening to a friend! Many, many blessing to you, Kathleen!

    1. Kathleen Friesen6:56 am GMT-7

      Aw, thanks so much, Tracy! You are a true blessing.

  3. “Cheerful, hopeful waiting” - love this phrase and it has given me new understanding as well. So much to think about, ponder and pass on to others in this post. Thanks, Kathleen.

  4. Kathleen Friesen6:58 am GMT-7

    Thank you, Sharon. That part of the definition struck me as well. Blessings to you!

  5. Thank you for this honest and encouraging post, dear Kathleen. You have helped many feel less alone--including me.

    A hearty amen to the following truth you shared:
    "And guess what? When I give the blessing of encouragement, it comes back multiplied, every single time – God’s amazing economy at work."


  6. Most of my writing is to educate or encourage but I try to be entertaining. Thank you for the post, Kathleen.


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