October 21, 2022

Switch It Up - Tracy Krauss

I've had my fair share of feeling "stalled" while working on a project. I think it happens to every writer, no matter if you are prolific or not. 

I tend to have more than one project on the go at one time, so one of my strategies has been to switch to something else if I feel uninspired or lack motivation. The fact that I also write in more than one genre is also helpful. If long-form fiction isn't working for me, I can switch to non-fiction or a different format like a play. It's true that the "middle" is often where we tend to get stuck, so letting it rest for a while--no matter what the format or genre--is important. I find that once I've had time and distance, I usually come back with fresh ideas which couldn't be forced if I'd tried to slog ahead. 

I haven't got a lot of other sage advice. (Sorry!) I subscribe to the old, "Just sit down and do it," mindset which says once you start writing, the muse will kick in. 

I have been known to get distracted, though, with what Joy Bailey called "procrasti-work". (Reread her post! It's golden!) But, I like her strategy of doing something else creative which then transfers into more writing creativity. I've found this to be true. I can paint, draw, sew... There are so many ways to get the creative juices flowing. 

In fact, all of the posts this month have listed great ways to get unstuck. Getting outdoors, going for a walk, exercising, listening to music, reading other books...  I've used them all! Then, of course, there's prayer--the thing we should all be doing FIRST. 

Tracy Krauss
writes from her home in northern BC. Fiction on the edge without crossing the line: https://tracykrauss.com


  1. Thank you, dear Tracy. Your numerous successes in publishing proves you've mastered the art of making it through the middle. I'm, as Mary would do, going to treasure and ponder these words. They're additional gold to add to the treasury of good ideas everyone is contributing this month.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

    1. I've enjoyed reading all of the posts this month.

  2. I was thinking about you the other day and the inspiration you provide. Your shared journey of your heart issues, your ‘no nonsense get it done’ attitude and your candidness always encourage me to pull up my big girl pants and get on with it. Thanks, Tracy. You go, girl!!

    1. Thanks, Sharon! We all need to wear our big girl pants now and again! LOL!


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