October 25, 2022

Stuck In the Middle With You ~ Valerie Ronald


Have you ever experienced an ear worm, a catchy piece of music that gets stuck in your mind, annoyingly repeating over and over? This month’s prompt has given rise to such a pest drilling into my head until I decided if I use it, perhaps it will go away.

The song, Stuck in the Middle With You, topped the pop music charts in 1973, the year I graduated from high school. That was a long time ago, yet surprisingly I remember most of the words. If you would like a friendly, tenacious ear worm to take up residence in your brain, listen to it here: Stuck In the Middle With You 

The lyrics have nothing to do with writing, yet some lines could be applied to the writer’s quandary of getting bogged down in the midst of a literary project.

“Yes, I’m stuck in the middle with you, 

And I’m wondering what it is I should do...”

“Trying to make some sense of it all,

But I can see that it makes no sense at all.”

Don’t give up hope. Pull your manuscript out of the document archives, dust it off and try again. Like the song title says, we are not stuck in the middle on our own. Who better to be stuck with than God?

Being stuck in the middle is a good time to step back from your desk, take a breather and think about the bigger picture. Do you believe God has gifted you to write so you can glorify Him? Does it fill you with joy and purpose when He inspires you with fresh ideas and words? Are you aware of His presence with you as you write? An affirmative answer to these questions is reason to push through until you are unstuck.

We are not called to write alone. Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, guides our thoughts and words so we write under His divine direction. If that is so, then why do we get stuck? There are a myriad of reasons, such as distraction, procrastination, loss of confidence, time pressure, trying too hard and many more. Over my years of writing, I have gradually discovered a pattern of practices which help me push through when I am stuck in the middle.


Prayer is an absolute necessity before and during all my writing projects. I go to Him for inspiration, direction and help to navigate the tough spots. Practicing the craft for many years has taught me to recognize when He speaks to the creative part of my spirit, though sometimes I wait a long time to hear from Him. Openness, sensitivity, observation ˗˗ these attitudes are heightened as I wait. I have faith He will answer because He has never failed to provide the next step.  

Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and prayerful always.- Rom.12:12 TLB


Though not always on paper, I am a planner when it comes to writing projects. Before beginning, I think through the project, making mental note of the theme, direction, illustrations, key points and take-away value. I also gather research or helpful ideas before beginning. If it is fiction, then I mentally plot out the story, characters, settings and conclusion. By doing so, I know what comes next, which helps me move forward when I get stuck. Sometimes I find it helpful to work on a different section of the project, then go back to the troublesome section later. Having a plan makes this doable.

Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house. - Proverbs 24:27 TLB


Writing is understandably a solitary endeavor, however, a little help from our friends can often get us over the hump. For several years now, God has gifted me with a writing mentor who is knowledgeable in aspects of the craft where I am weak. She points out ways to strengthen my prose as well as bringing fresh eyes to areas where I am struggling. With her objective viewpoint, hurdles are often surmounted in ways I miss seeing myself.

The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out. - Prov. 20:5 NIV


In my early days as a writer, I gave up too easily when faced with a road block in a project. Many a ball of crumpled paper found its way to the trash can back then. As time went on and my experience and knowledge grew, I recognized that it takes perseverance to properly develop a good idea.

Acknowledging God’s inspiration for the idea helps me stay on the job until completed. Desire to obey God in fulfilling my calling is a powerful incentive to carry on, even when I can’t see my way through a difficulty. The frustration and slogging try my patience, but I refuse to give up if I believe the project is from the Lord. I know from experience that He will eventually give me a break-through, as long as I persevere.

For I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power. - Phil. 4:13 TLB

Being stuck in the middle is not a permanent problem, as long as we are there with God, our refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble. (Psalm 46:1 NIV)

 More of Valerie's work can be read on her blog:



  1. Dear Valerie, this is full of meat for us to chew on and be strengthened by. Thank you.

    Amen to: "We are not called to write alone. Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, guides our thoughts and words so we write under His divine direction."

    And a double amen to: "... it takes perseverance to properly develop a good idea."

    There's no better place for an inspirational writer to be than at the feet of Jesus while we write.

    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

    1. Thanks, Wendy. Jesus has taught me so much as I sit at His feet.

  2. Valerie, that same song has been going through my head all month and I thought about including it in my post! Perseverance is certainly needed!

    1. Again we think alike, Lorrie! Just like last month's post. And I'm a Vancouver Island girl too, now transplanted to Manitoba.

  3. I wonder how many of us had that tune in our head this month? At least 3 so far! I love your 4 P’s to help us get unstuck. Such wise and practical advice shared from experience. Many thanks, Valerie.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Sharon. I'm happy to share what I've learned during a long writing journey, and I hope I never stop learning.

  4. Love, love, love this post Valerie! I especially love the thought< "We are not called to write alone. Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, guides our thoughts and words so we write under His divine direction."

    1. Thank you, Tracy! I love that Jesus is called Author. His book is my favorite.

  5. I love your reference to an ear worm in relation to a piece of music that is stuck in my ears. I can relate. I appreciate your post.

  6. Thanks for commenting, Martina. Ear worms can be annoying but in this post I tried to put it to work.


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