September 14, 2022

Little Given, Much Gained by Sharon Heagy


The theme for this month’s blog has piqued my interest and I wait with hungry anticipation to devour all the tidbits and full course servings of helpful advice, even though I have little to offer in return.

            This area has always been a struggle for me. The disciplined routine I long for has not come to fruition. Hurried lines are written hither and thither amid daily chaos and chores. I find myself reading and studying about writing rather than doing the writing itself, while realizing that nothing is going to be produced until I sit down and do the work.

            There needs to be a paradigm shift in my priorities, and I hear the Spirit’s beckoning to get it done. Time to establish a more solid routine knowing that I will have to grapple with determination, for old habits die hard. I will need to be more surrendered and have less of a ‘but’ brain. “But Lord, I just need to _________, and I fill in the blank with important things to be done but if I am honest with myself, they are more than likely excuses.

I’m thankful for this blog as it gives me a deadline, a jumping off point and accountability with others. Perhaps there is someone else afloat in blogger bay, drifting around on an inner tube of good intentions feeling the same way. 

As one who used to be a ‘get it done’ kind of gal, I am not sure where my organizational and administrative skills went. I call inside myself and hear an echo where there was once a hive of bustling activity. But God knows where they are hiding and with His help, I am determined to get them back.

            Perhaps I can offer a few meager suggestions to myself and others after re-reading that first bit.

The first thing I know to do is pray. Pray, pray, pray. Immerse ourselves in Him and He will fill us with ideas and guidance. I know this to be true from life experience. All of it and not just writing.

Another key is surrender to Him. (Are you listening, Sharon?) Each project, each day, each hour and don’t balk when He offers a suggestion. Jump in with both feet and allow the creative waves of the Holy Spirit to carry you. He always ALWAYS knows the best way to accomplish any task. His will. His way.

Next, do the work. WRITE. Just write. Start with pen and paper or clicking and clacking on a keyboard. It may read like gibberish at first but keep writing and allow God to transform your words into a piece of art to be used for His purposes. 

Try all the suggestions in this month’s blog posts and see what works for you.

Don’t give up. 

There isn’t much offered in my post but maybe you have grabbed a little shred of something useful from a heart who is profoundly grateful to those who have been filling me up with their wise words this month. I have gleaned much.

Now it’s time to practice what I’m preaching. (Preach it, sista!) I think I just need the courage to put stuff out there. Just go for it. And I think it’s time. How about you?


  1. Dear Sharon, thank you for your honesty in this post. You have not only encouraged us (because we all have "but brain" days), you've made us smile.

    I love this sentence of yours: "I will need to be more surrendered and have less of a ‘but’ brain.

    And amen to these wise words you preached: "Jump in with both feet and allow the creative waves of the Holy Spirit to carry you. He always ALWAYS knows the best way to accomplish any task. His will. His way."

    May we all keep praying for His will to be done in our writing and in our lives.

    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

    1. Thank you, Wendy, for your kind words.

  2. There is A LOT offered in your post since I think many people also grapple with themselves and impose guilt for not getting it done... God knows and there are seasons to everything. Many blessings.

    1. Thanks, Tracy. Always encouraged by your comments.

  3. Oh Sharon, thank you for this post. It's one I could have written. I've been dithering about what to write for this month, because I would love to have a consistent rhythm to my writing, but it happens in fits and starts. I have set a deadline for myself for a project and I find that helps. It's so easy to let other things get in the way and take precedence.

  4. Thanks, Lorrie. I need to have more self set deadlines. It would help immensely. Nice to have a kindred spirit that understands. We can spur one another on!

  5. Sharon, I'm so glad you shared your heart today. Your sentence "Hurried lines are written hither and thither amid daily chaos and chores" makes me think of Nobel Prize Winner for Literature, Toni Morrison. She worked fulltime, raised two boys as a single parent, and taught university courses, and in the midst of that chaos, she found a way to write, and to write award winning books. (I won't tell you more because I have a book review that publishes here on Sept 30th in which I share her secret.)

    I don't know about you, but I have often tended to focus on my ideal situation/setting, so much so that I sometimes missed seeing what I was actually accomplishing in my circumstances, little though it was at the time. As my sis reminded me on more than one occasion - a drop in the bucket every day will give you a pail of water down the road. I took great courage in that little sentence.

    Wishing you His grace sufficient as you walk your creative writing path.

  6. Think I am going to write your sister’s reminder down and put it on my bulletin board. It’s a keeper. Looking forward to reading your review. You have aroused my curiosity. Thanks for your words of encouragement.

  7. Thank you, Sharon, for sharing your vulnerabilities with us. And yet you gave us good advice, too. "Jump in with both feet and allow the creative waves of the Holy Spirit to carry you. He always ALWAYS knows the best way to accomplish any task. His will. His way." So much wisdom here.
    I know your life has been in flux these last months, and so that contributes to not having a regular writing routine. Let us know in the future how you progress with your writing.

    1. Thanks, Sandi, for your encouragement and your understanding. You always seem to ‘get’ what I am saying even between the lines.


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