September 06, 2021

What Are The Odds Of That: Answers To Prayer by Bob Jones

What have I experienced through prayer in my life and writing? Just about everything. Much of what I learned about the principles of prayer came to me from walking with and writing about the life of a young woman named Kristen.


As a 28-year old, Kristen was diagnosed with inoperable cancer and given 24 months to live. She was a mom to three boys under five and married to a firefighter. We prayed for her to be healed. In fact many in the congregation I was a pastor to, fasted breakfast and prayed every day for two years. 


One Friday afternoon Kristen had a doctor’s appointment. Going to visit an oncology doctor isn't one of most people's favorite things to do on a Friday afternoon. She was dropped off early for her appointment and needed something to help pass the time.


Kristen happened into a nearby drugstore store while she waited.


She happened to see a kiosk with books.


A book on the lowest rack happened to catch her attention. It was a single copy of the book, “Divine Alignment.”


“What a coincidence," she thought. "My friend just told me about that book!”


A coincidence led her to a book about coincidences.


Kristen called me to tell what had just happened and suggested that I should read the book.


I owe her. As a result of Kristen’s experience and reading the book I added the term, "GodWink" into my vocabulary and worldview of prayer.


GodWinks are experiences that people would call a coincidence, an answered prayer, or simply an encounter where you'd say, "What are the odds of that!"


4 Things I Learned About Prayer, GodWinks, and Life


1. A "GodWink" is a message of reassurance from God directly to you, usually related to something you have prayed about.


Through all of Kristen’s pain, setbacks, and disappointments, she was not perplexed. She had multiple reassurances of God's faithfulness through "GodWinks."


In June 2013 she texted me about one of those GodWinks. She was being transported by an ambulance attendant to Edmonton’s Cross Cancer Hospital for a chemo treatment. The attendant’s name was Ken and he had a story to tell Kristen.


Ken, the EMS worker, happened to attend North Pointe, Kristen's church. Ken and his wife Rebecca actually chose North Pointe as their church because of Kristen. 


They were new to the area and looking for a church. On their first visit they happened to hear Kristen share her story of faith. They were impressed. They wanted to be a part of a church that was attended by people like Kristen.


Ken's story touched Kristen deeply that day. It was like God had allowed her to see her influence. What are the odds?


2. GodWinks are not replacements for miracles.


People in crisis want a miracle not a wink.


Kristen wanted a miracle. She wanted to be healed so she would live and God would be glorified. She also wanted others to know that if things did not work out for her as she hoped, she would trust God until the end - because the end would be her new eternal beginning.


Eternity is heaven was the greatest miracle in her estimation.


3. In times of UNCERTAINTY what we need more than anything else is CERTAINTY.


We crave certainty when we get a dire medical report. We long for certainty in our relationships. We crave the certainty that we'll have enough in the checking account to make it through the month.


GodWinks shore up certainty.


GodWinks are intentional reminders that God cares; that He is at work, daily directing and providing for your life.


My favorite chapter in "Ornament" – a book I wrote about Kristen - is the one about GodWinks.


4. GodWinks are the fingerprints of God on the circumstances of your life.


Look back on your life. You will find God's fingerprints on the details - dates, numbers, timing, names, places, words.


God's fingerprints are assurances that He is in control in a seemingly out-of-control world.


Are you praying about something? No answers yet? Watch for a GodWink today. God wants to bring you assurance of his ever faithful presence and unfailing provision.


God's got His eye on you.


I write to grow hope, inspire people to be real, forge an authentic faith in Jesus, and discover their life purpose.

Please follow my writing at

I would love to hear from you.


  1. Thank you, Bob, for this intriguing and encouraging post about prayer and GodWinks. So many of His winks came to mind as I read this. What a wonderful way to start my writing work week. ☺️✍️📖✝️
    Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

    1. Hi Wendy. I hope you have an AWESOME week of writing. We need to hear from you.

  2. Love this post, Bob. "Godwinks' remind me of Bobbi Junior, our dear departed friend. She often talked about them.

    1. Ah, Bobbi. So many good stories from her. Praying for you and your health and strength and writing inspiration.

  3. Thank you for these encouraging words, Bob. As a cancer survivor, I can relate to the almost desperate desire for a miracle, yet the "shining moments", (my words for GodWinks) kept me going. Kristen sounds like a woman who believed in the power of prayer, her own and others. I would love to read your book about her sometime. Blessings!

    1. So glad you are a cancer survivor. God's grace and healing. And that the words you write can bring hope to others. I would send you a copy of the book but all of my printed copies are gone. Available only on

  4. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me! Thanks for this reminder that God sees, He cares, and He is faithful and true.

    1. Coincidental that you reference that song. That was the choice of song in a funeral service I led over the weekend and the words "cares" and "faithful" characterized the message.

  5. I like that "God winks" expression. I had one lately. A disagreeable bus driver is quitting at the end of the month and moving out of the province. I prayed God would do something with her and he did. Now she'll be happier and so will us seniors.

    I know that desperation for healing too. A house church abused my faith by claiming I just had to have enough faith to be healed. Whenever they prayed and I wasn't healed, I was blamed. Now I know that God is glorified through disability and even suffering.

    1. That's a funny story, Bruce. And a sincerely sad one about the house church. Have to brush that off and keep going. And expect a Godwink of blessing.

  6. The book of Esther is all about God winks when there is no actual use of the word "God" in the narrative. Chapter 6: THAT night the king had insomnia & he requested THAT history book and THAT story was read.

    1. Isn't the book of Esther so like God's character. Only God would include a book in His book that doesn't mention Him but is all about Him. Have a great day Millie!


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