September 10, 2021

The Tool of Prayer: Conversation - Martina Keast

One tool of prayer is engaging in loving conversation with the God of the universe, through His son, Jesus. God is all about being in a relationship with His creation. I had the following conversation with the Lord in December 2018. (citation 1) I followed the four keys to hearing God's voice. They are, quiet yourself down, turn your eyes on Jesus, tune to spontaneity, and journal. These four keys are found in Habakkuk 2:1-3 and Revelation 1:10-11. They help me hear God's voice, and they improve my relationship with God. 



Lord, I see You in the Garden, praying by Yourself. Lord, You are lying prostrate on the ground. I hear You mumbling. You are speaking to the Father. I am sitting cross-legged, not too far away, with my back against a tree. Lord, does it hurt? I mean, does it hurt You to give up Your life for Me and billions of others? Lord, as I move further away from the tree trunk, crawling toward You, I see what You are experiencing. Lord, You are sweating drops of blood! Lord, why did You bring me here to this place, this holy place? This place of suffering?

Child, come closer, let Me hold your hand. 

Child, it is My desire for you to see Me at my worst and my best. It is My worst because I only ever bled on the cross aside from bleeding here in the Garden. It is My best because I was born in human form for this purpose. This reason is to die for the salvation of those who will come into a relationship with Me.

Lord, why am I not freaking out and feeling trauma and terror over this terrible sight? 

Martina, you are here with Me in My past because I want you to know that seeing others hurt and bleed while you empathize with them does not have to be traumatizing for you. Even though your eyes see the destruction of human lives, even their soul, your inner being can be at peace with Me. I am at peace, even though I see what I look like right now. I feel the physical pain of what is to come, yet I am at peace. How do you feel in your heart? 

Well, I don't understand it, but I feel at peace in my heart. My mind is also at peace. 

Martina, I am training you to be at peace in the storm. That is how I live. 

You are to continue the training I set out for you. Recognize and renounce the works of the evil one. Repent, and encourage others to repent as well.

My daughter, I saw you stand up to that bully today! Great! You may not like it, but there will be more opportunities like that. Yes, more opportunities to stand up to bullies, even those in the spirit realm. Opportunities for you to not panic, not feel anxiety, and not flashback into past traumatic experiences. I am healing you. 

Please keep looking up to the Father and Me. Recognize, respond, and rejoice in the works of God. The Holy One. We are here for you. We will give you the transformation you so desire. Trust and obey. Rest in Me. The Holy Spirit is forever present, as are your protector angels; you’ve got some big ones, my girl. I know that you see them sometimes. I want you to see them all the time. 

Lord, are You sending me back to the battlefield? I have been sensing it. I have seen myself preach and teach again.

When you are ready, I will make the way. I love how you love My people. This time, you will be healthier. This time, I will heal you before you get there. (citation 2)


I believe my relationship with the Lord deepened during and after attending Bible School and Seminary because I did not only learn about many different prayer types, but I practiced them. The conversational tool of prayer I use today is more than speaking or mumbling mere words, giving God a list of my needs and wants to satisfy, begging Him to release my burdens, get me out of trouble, and heal and save family friends, and others. I converse with Him, and He responds to me in flowing pictures, words, and songs. I record His responses which I will use in my upcoming books. 

As I continue my studies, I am ever mindful of the many ways to pray. There is the Lord's Prayer. The Centering Prayer, (Calhoun, 2015, p. 236) Miracle Prayers, Healing Prayers, Creative Prayers, Soaking Prayers, Prayers that Heal the Heart, and Prayers that Heal Cellular Memories. (citation 3)

For example, the Jesus Prayer goes like this. 

Take a seat in solitude and silence. Bend your head, close your eyes and breathing softly; in your imagination, look into your own heart. Let your mind, or rather your thoughts, flow from your head down to your heart and say while breathing, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner." Combining Luke 18:39 and Luke 18:13. (Calhoun, 2015, p. 233)

I wrote this poem, another way of communicating with God. I painted pictures of Jesus meeting me at the kitchen table, at the well, at the ocean, on the mountain top, and in the garden. 

Yada – Sharing Love 

Everywhere – You’ve been there.

Always – You care

Anytime – Night or Day, come whatever may.


You’ve met me at the kitchen table.

Then we met at the well.

Then the ocean 

And now on the mountain top. 

You met me in the Garden.

You met me on my travels.

You met me when in danger.

You met me in moments of incredible joy.

Everywhere – You’ll continue to be there.

Always – You'll care.

Anytime – Night or Day, come whatever may. 

You love me in my pain.

You love me when I feel insane.

You love me when I am broke.

You love me when I choke—for fear. 

I opened the door to Yada. 

This relationship changed my life forever.

We are sharing His love. 

Communication as a tool of prayer is most effective when I take some time to settle my heart down, listening to instrumental worship or meditation music like this one recorded by Tim Oladeru.

Instead of looking at my circumstances, which are often unbearable, I look to see where Jesus is in my situation. I listen with my heart, and write, paint, or play on an instrument what Jesus is communicating. Deep inner transformation is the result of practicing this kind of communication. 


  1. Thank you, dear Martina, for this calming and encouraging post.
    An especial Amen to these words of yours: "Instead of looking at my circumstances, which are often unbearable, I look to see where Jesus is in my situation."
    Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

    1. Thank you, Wendy. I appreciate your encouragement. :)

  2. Thank you for this lovely post Martina

    1. Thank you, Tracy. I appreciate the opportunity to share. My life has changed so drastic in just a few years that it feels risky to open up and share. I appreciate your encouragement. :)

  3. Thank you for sharing what you learned and your lovely pictures along with your journalling! Very inspiriting and uplifting!

    1. Thank you, Lynn for taking the time to read my submission. I appreciate your encouraging comment.

  4. Thanks for sharing your heart on what you've learned about prayer through the years. I love your pictures!

  5. Thank you very much Sandi. I appreciate your words of encouragement. Blessings.


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