September 22, 2021

Humble Thoughts on Psalm 23 by Alan Anderson


The following words result from my mind trying to grapple with the unsteady footing of the world. Peace, love, and compassion still overcome darkness, for God is our ever-present companion. Our Great Shepherd guides our way.



Please forgive me if my post seems disjointed. A good friend of Terry and I died a couple of weeks ago. His family asked me to conduct his memorial service. This is turn meant I could not spend as much time on my monthly post as is usual for me.



I present here humble thoughts on Psalm 23. I look through the darkness of this world and long for the world to come. I am not alone because you pray for me, and I pray for you.


1.The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

The world cannot give or promise anything close to what our Lord Shepherd has given us. His care, like His peace and love, is beyond measure.


2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,

The Shepherd’s loved ones can find respite in this out-of-control world. We can breathe the air of a fragrant meadow amid the pollution all around. The turbulent waves smashing into people do not cause us to fear. We can hold on to the hand of God as He leads us through quiet places of refuge.


3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake.

There are times in life where our legs cannot hold us up and we think we cannot go on. The Shepherd grants us respite and, in gentle fashion, reminds us of the eternal path set before us.


4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Death, calamity, and suffering cannot bind us in fear, for The Shepherd leads us through even our deepest and darkest experiences. On a personal note, when my wife experienced cancer for the second time, we also experienced a deep sense of the reality of God’s comfort. She is now cancer free for four years. Glory to God!


5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Our Lord Shepherd is also a gracious host, even when our many enemies are present. They do not worry Him, and He goes about His business of care for His people. These enemies are but people lost without Him and powerless no matter who they are.


6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

This is amazing! Throughout our lives, and no matter what happens, The Shepherd’s love is constant and assured. He knows with all confidence where His loved ones belong. There is nothing strong enough or evil enough to thwart His plan for those who follow Him. This Shepherd, our King, the One who is Creator of all things, and who loves the world, has prepared a place for us beyond description.


Beloved ones, we are held tight in the love of God!



Alan lives in Deroche, B.C. with his wife, Terry. He contributed stories to Good Grief People by Angel Hope Publishing, 2017; Story by Story: The Power of a Writer, Unstoppable Writers Publishing, 2018, and . Alan has also written articles for FellowScript Magazine. Blog: Alan is the Provincial Rep. Liaison and B.C. Rep for InScribe.


  1. Dear Alan, thank you for this heartfelt post. How generous of you to share encouragement with us in the midst of your own grief.
    Amen to these soul hugging words of yours: "Throughout our lives, and no matter what happens, The Shepherd’s love is constant and assured."
    Blessings of peace to you and Terry. 🕊️

    1. Hi Wendy! My friend and his family grieve as those without hope, but we love them just the same. Thank you for the blessing of peace, Wendy.

  2. As always, your words are so comforting and heartfelt. Thank you for your commitment to posting each month, even in the midst of your own trials. Many blessings to you.

    1. Hi Tracy! You have been a source of encouragement to me with my posts for a few years now. God bless you and keep you.

  3. Alan, I so appreciate you passing along the comfort you have gleaned from Psalm 23 during your time of grief. We are studying that well-known psalm in our women's group and it continues to reveal it's hidden depths. God's Word is so rich and alive. My prayers are with you and Terry as you mourn the loss of your dear friend.

    1. Hi Valerie! I never grow weary of Psalm 23. The Psalm is indeed deep but a source of comfort to us all our days. Blessings to you as you enjoy your study with the ladies.

  4. Peace dear brother and sister 🙏 .

    1. Thank you, Angie! I appreciate you so much!

  5. Hi Alan. You sure know how to take a beautiful passage and remind me that even as a young child I was able to memorize it. Psalm 23 has provided comfort to all. Thanks for sharing your heart once again.

    1. Hi Vickie! Thanks so much for your encouraging words. We need to chat some time.

  6. How I thank you for your words of encouragement, even in your sorrow over the passing of your friend. I especially relate to this: "The Shepherd’s love is constant and assured...we are held tight in the love of God!" It brought to the fore another aspect of what God has been teaching me about Himself: His tenderness towards us.

  7. Hi Sandi! Thank you for your encouragement to me as well. Psalm 23 is a goldmine of faith for the believer. Yes, God's tenderness to us is beyond measure. He even loves the world! Now, that's love! Blessings to you, my friend.

  8. You've shared thoughts on one of my all-time favourite passages in the Bible. Who doesn't love Psalm 23? So comforting and strengthening and encouraging. Thank you for this lovely post, Alan.

    1. Hi Brenda! Thank you for your comments. Yes, such comfort etc. from this timeless passage. I trust you are staying safe and well, my friend.


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