March 03, 2019

Be Very Courageous by Lynn J Simpson

Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn it from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Joshua 1:7

The Lord not only told Joshua to be courageous, but very courageous. I wonder if the Lord added the emphasis of an adverb before the adjective "courageous" because of Joshua's extreme circumstances? His new job was to lead two million people into a new land and conquer it. Even though Joshua had grown to be a strong leader from assisting Moses for many years, I can imagine he may have felt extremely challenged for this upcoming new adventure!
But Joshua did not hesitate, did not measure the pros and cons, or run to his friends for advise. Instead, he ordered and directed the people to ready themselves for their journey to cross the Jordan, to the land the Lord was giving to them. While directing their next steps, Joshua reminded the people of Moses commands and the Lord's promises, and the people obeyed their leader knowing they were also being faithful to God's plan. And they too, encouraged Joshua to "be strong and courageous!" (v.18)
When facing new challenges, I can be very hesitant to take the next step. I want to be very sure so the outcome will be successful, on my terms. I can measure my success by my circle of influence expanding, or my finances increasing, or by the amount of 'likes' I'm receiving. Yet, unlike the worldly definition of success, success in God's eyes is for us to be strong and very courageous through obeying and following His word. It's being faithful to His plan for our lives. He directs us when we turn toward Him. And then we can rest in His promise that we will be successful wherever we go. 
Lord, thank You for always being with me and directing my way. Even though my situations can get tough, and challenging, I know you are with me. May I always keep my eyes on You, may I always turn to You, for when I do life with You, I will be successful in Your eyes wherever I go. Amen
And may the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Lynn also blogs on faith, love, and hope at Lynn J Simpson and you can check out her photography at Instagram-Lynn J Simpson


  1. A good word for anyone who needs the courage to step out. Thanks, Lynn.

    1. God's word is full of encouragement, for sure!

  2. We are so inundated with "the worldly definition of success," Lynn, that it is refreshing to be reminded of how different success is in God's eyes. I appreciate your saying that if we listen to and then courageously follow God's direction, we will meet with God's approval and feel the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. May God's peace guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.

  3. love this Lynn. It lines up with where I am in my own journey right now. Thank you for sharing.

    1. May you rest in the knowledge that God is with you!

  4. Thanks for your reflections, Lynn. The first thought that stopped me was your reminder that God told Joshua to be VERY courageous. Somehow in reading this passage many times, I hadn't noticed this. And it's a good reminder for me, too, because sometimes I feel like the lion in "The Wizard of Oz" who needed courage. The verse God gave me for this year is, "Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart" (Psalm 31:24). I'll think of the verse now as: "Be very courageous..."

    1. Good courage is being very courageous, too, I imagine! May God continue to strengthen your heart through His encouragement, Sandra.

  5. Thank you for this precious encouragement, Lynn. It is so timely.

  6. I am thankful for God's guidance. His way is always best. I pray that I will be alert for His direction.


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