March 15, 2019

New Territory - Tracy Krauss

Charting new territory... this is the theme for this month. In many ways, I feel as if taking on the presidency this past year is just that. I stumble along, as best I can, hoping that the nudge to take this responsibility on wasn't a mistake. Despite my shortcomings, I keep putting one foot in front of the other, meeting each challenge as it comes.

I am so grateful for the mentors who have gone before, like Ruth Snyder and Marcia Laycock, to name only a couple. I am also grateful for other executive members, who give so sacrificially of their time, energy, and giftings. 

God called Abraham: “Go to the land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). That took faith. Centuries later when Abraham’s descendants were ready to occupy this land as their own, God encouraged Joshua: “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land…Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1;6,9).
I need this same faith and courage. I realize that 'leading' InScribe is a far cry from the job Joshua had to do, yet it has it's challenges, too, and is a calling that is not for the faint of heart. There are many things that go on behind the scenes that members may never know about. The executive makes it look easy, but I can attest that it is not always so. We need your prayers and your grace, at times, when things don't work out the way we think they should.

Many of you may know that I have been dealing with semi-blindness these past couple of months. I had eye surgery in February to 'fix' a complication that occurred since having eye surgery eleven years ago for a congenital eye condition. I am already blind in one eye and it was necessary to deal with some complicated issues in the other before it followed suit. I am happy to report that my sight is returning and I can now even do some limited things on the computer.

During this time, the other members of the executive have come along side me in more ways than I can recount here. Thank you especially to Charity Mongrain, Bobbi Junior, and Marnie Pohlman, who have gone above and beyond in filling those gaps. Thank you to Brenda Leyland for taking over the job of moderating this blog. Her graciousness and faithfulness are deeply felt and I am so grateful to her. Of course, there are many more I could mention, but I think, perhaps, this may become some weird 'love in' type post, so I best stop here! (Also, I am at the maximum I can stand since I am about six inches from the screen...!)

God bless everyone of you as you continue the good fight, meeting each challenge head on, knowing that God will help you chart whatever new territory He has asked you to take. 


  1. I am glad to hear your eye is healing Tracy! Our journey's can take us to hard places but like you said, God will help us chart all our territory and there is comfort in that giving us courage to take that next step.

  2. Thank you for all that you do, dear Tracy.
    Healing blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. I am reading your blog and the tears well up in my eyes, Tracy. I praise God with you for his answers to our prayers on your behalf. I also thank God for the amazing people who have taken on the executive work for InScribe and Fellowscript. I pray for God's blessing on them, on their own writing and on the work they do to further the Gospel through the work of ICWF and its members. May God bless all of you.

    1. And I thank God for people like you Sharon. You are always so encouraging and thoughtful. You are a true blessing. God bless

  4. You are an amazing mom, grand-mom, mentor, educator and motivator. Wow, you really are a gift Tracy. You make over-coming look easy and graceful. Del and I are keeping you in our prayers.

    1. It's a blessing to be connected to you and yours.

  5. Oops, this is from Debby Benterud

  6. Thanks Tracy for your inspiration ... you have come to mind several times in the past weeks and I wondered how the vision was coming along. You have a powerful testimony of literally walking by faith and not by sight. May the spirit encourage you as you have encouraged so many of us.

    1. Thank you Jocelyn. My trials are nothing compared to yours, but God uses all things for his glory and purposes.

  7. You are being obedient to God's call on your life and He always honours that, Tracy. Praise Him for your returning vision!


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