March 13, 2019

Lack or Abundance? by Wendy L. Macdonald

I've been guilty of focusing on my lack instead of focusing on God's abundance.

I believe God is challenging me to do something new concerning some of my writing. A few readers I met via Twitter and Facebook asked about buying a book I’ve published. The problem is, I haven’t published anything of my own.

Once in a while I imagine putting together a devotional book using my own poems, photography, and personal stories; then, I decide not to because I believe I don’t have enough time to add more to my busy blogging and podcasting schedule.

But God.

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, 
and he will establish your plans.
 Proverbs 16:3 NIV

During the past year I’ve witnessed God’s multiplication process when I trusted Him to help me meet deadlines; therefore, I should know better than to dismiss an idea because of lack. God specialises in shoring up when His followers need more wedding wine, more cooking oil, more fighting power, more fish, more bread, more… well, just fill in the blank with your favourite Bible story.

Prayer is the first step.

Showing up is second step.

Showing up one day at a time is how a big project gets completed.

Alright then, I’m going to stop over thinking this and ask God if this is something I’m called to do. If it is, I’ll set time each week to work on it.

I’m nosey-to-know if you’ve been focusing on your lack instead of upon God’s abundance?

Abundant Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


  1. Ah..time! It's a constant prayer of asking God to show me where to spend my time and energy! And it might mean letting go of something I've built to complete something else (like a devotional book) and that's the hardest part I find! Surrendering and trusting, knowing He is an abundant God, is what He calls us to do!

    1. Thank you, dear Lynn, for your wise words: Surrendering and trusting. Yes, I suspect there is more I must surrender to make room for His plans for me. And I agree prayer is the key.
      Blessings as you follow His call for your writing ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Love this post, Wendy! So excited for your new ventures. Blessings!

    1. Thank you, dear Brenda. Now that I've committed to hearing Him more clearly and obeying more bravely, I see a path in the forest.
      Blessings to you too ~ Wendy Mac

  3. Good for you, Wendy, on committing your writing in general and your book project to the Lord. Now he can establish your plans. May God bless you as you,

    “Enlarge the place of your tent (and) stretch your tent curtains wide;
    do not hold back, (Wendy and the rest of us); lengthen your cords, (and) strengthen your stakes."(Isaiah 54:2)

    Thanks for your encouraging and inspiriting post, Wendy.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon, for that wonderful verse. I must remember God never asks us to stay stagnant.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  4. Such good encouragement. Leaning into His abundance with you.

  5. Thank you, dear Anna. I love the way you worded that. Amen to: Leaning into His abundance.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  6. Your first sentence grabbed me right in the stomach. There have been times when I, too, have focused on my lack instead of God's abundance. Thank you for this wake up reminder to focus on the blessings and abundance He provides. :-)

    1. Thank you, dear Melissa, for letting me know this encouraged you. Everyone's comments are solidifying my decision to focus on the truth of His abundance.
      Blessings as you write for Him ~ Wendy Mac

  7. I love how you talked about how God specializes in more...bread, wine, was so encouraging. Yes, I too am going to start something new in my writing believing that God will provide share what He's asked me too. Thanks :)

    1. Thank you, dear Gloria. I love how the Lord used everyday examples to teach us about His abundance. If we follow the Guide, He will provide.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


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