October 13, 2018

Providential Ink by Wendy L. Macdonald

Since writing the rough drafts for several mystery romance manuscripts, I’ve been reminded of the movie: Inkheart. Characters came to life when pages of the book were read aloud. My stories were inspired by some events that startled me and wouldn’t leave my thoughts. I guess you could say it was my way of seeing justice served; I made sure the villains got caught. But I didn’t expect a bunch of strange things to happen in real life that were similar to what I wrote in my novels. Now I’m nervous to keep working on them. 

Will people think everything I wrote was based on real life? 
I’ve decided that perhaps Providence and not an Inkheart phenomenon was at work. Maybe the reason why my writing seemed prophetic was because God likes the story and wanted to help me out with editing by giving me more personal experiences to beef up the show-and-not-tell aspects of it. Trust me, I won't tell an agent or publisher this (Eyes will roll for sure.). However, I will be able to write much deeper now. I will be able to show how hard the trials were for the characters. I will also be able to demonstrate how delicious the victories were. 

Either way, I’m way too curious not to keep writing. I want to see how my characters handle the tough stuff I’ll be subjecting them too. I want to see their hearts pound, break, and soften. I want to witness their growth and transformations. I want to see where this story takes them—and me.

I’m nosey-to-know if you’ve ever written something uncannily similar to future events.

Inkwell Blessings ~ Wendy Mac



  1. God is so much bigger than we often give Him credit for... I believe He can use our words prophetically and providentially. Thank you for your honesty and willingness to write what he gives you to write.

    1. Dear Tracy, I am guilty of forgetting how big God is. I sometimes wonder if He would do more big things in my life if my vision of Him was closer to what it should be.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Thanks, Wendy, for adding another dimension to the writing of stories :-)

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon. I hesitated to post this one. But I think the warning in the story I'm writing may well be worth continuing the project.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. Yes, Wendy, even when I look back over my old journals, I have seen that what the Lord put on my heart so many years ago, was actually for something that He is doing in my heart now. He sees ahead, and I think He lets us write words that He knows will become so much clearer to us later. I am sorry for the trials you have been facing, but how precious that you are letting the Lord bring comfort in your stories from the middle of those trials!

    1. Thank you, dear Bettie. More and more I see the treasures in trials. Last night I noticed and noted the following quote. I'm sure you'll love it too. It's from Streams in the Desert: "And it is the clinging hand of His child that makes a desperate situation a delight to God."
      Blessings as you write for Him ~ Wendy Mac

  4. The closest I have to this experience is based on a dream I once had. And I didn't write a story out of it (yet) although it's been coming back to my mind more often these days. But I did write it out and shared it at a Bible Study. A lady from Israel happened to be there and she felt my dream was 'prophetic' about Canada and asked to take it and share it at her studies in Israel. Who would have guessed that my dream would be shared in another country? Interesting enough my dream does seem even more pertinent to Canada now than even back then....and I have no idea why God gave it to me but I still feel that I just might write it out in more of a story format...and find somewhere suitable to share it. So I would never be one of the 'eye-roller's that for sure. And perhaps, in these times, God is going to give those of us who write dreams and ideas and visions to share.


    1. Dear Gloria, it sounds like your dream encouraged your friend from Israel. It's always a blessing to be reminded God is in the midst of world events. His foreknowledge is a source of peace for believers.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  5. Replies
    1. Curiosity will help me keep writing and editing. I'm forever nosy-to-know more about everything.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


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