June 17, 2018

Journey Food by Lynn Dove

I love this month's theme about which Scripture verses keep me nourished as a writer...

As with all Scripture that feeds my spirit as well as my writer's heart, it's hard to pinpoint just one verse that encapsulates the journey.  My blog, "Journey Thoughts" is all about my journeying with God through the mountain top and valley experiences of life.  A writer faces those same peaks and lows: the first time an article/book is published, or the first (of many) rejection letters.  My writing career has seen its share of highs and lows but through it all the Word of God is constant and unchanging!  It encourages me throughout my writing process and transforms my heart to not give up when I'm faced with those discouraging moments.

There are two passages of Scripture that I have displayed prominently as I write:

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”  Proverbs 16:9

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.  If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.  Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-11

The first passage my husband and I chose as our life verse when we got married 39 years ago on June 2nd.  Over those many years, there have been so many numerous twists and turns on life's journey together they are too numerous to recount.  Whatever road we walked, whether in plenty or in want, joy or in sorrow, sickness and in health, we learned to lean on and trust in God.  Sometimes we tried to navigate on our own strength, and that's when we had to reclaim Proverbs 16:9 and submit to God again to chart our course, because His way was (is) always the best way!

That verse has also guided my writing through these many years.  I did not ever intend to be a published author, but God had a different plan!  With three books published, and numerous articles and stories published in anthologies and magazines, I still am humbled and amazed by where God has taken me with my writing.  All Glory goes to Him!

The second verse in 1 Peter, is actually a call to minister, and the responsibility that involves.  To those of us who have been called by God to write, we are ministers of our words.  It is a privilege but also an awesome responsibility to write so others may be kingdom-affected.  I purposely changed the verse to make it even more applicable to me as a writer. 

"“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.  If anyone speaks (writes), they should do so as one who speaks (writes) the very words of God. If anyone serves (writes), they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things (writings) God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.  Amen.” 

This keeps me very mindful that to write is a gift from God.  Writing should bring Him Glory, and I must write thoughtfully and carefully so that my words do not bring dishonour to Him.


Lynn Dove is the award-winning author, of the YA “Wounded Trilogy”- a contemporary Christian fiction series with coming-of-age themes.  A wife, mom, grandmother, and free-lance writer with articles published in several magazines and anthologies including Chicken Soup for the Soul books, her blog, “Journey Thoughts” is a Canadian Christian Writing Award winner.  Readers may connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and at lynndove.com 


  1. I can really relate with your statement, "My writing career has seen its share of highs and lows but through it all the Word of God is constant and unchanging!" I am so thankful for that fact! I also love the verses from Peter and plan to put them up on my bulletin board along with some others that I look to.

  2. Thank you Lyn, I also liked this month's theme. Your verse from Proverbs was an excellent reminder for me. Life itself has many ups and downs ... thanks!

  3. Good choice of Scripture verses, Lynn, and I appreciate your stories behind each of them.I also like this statement you made: "It is a privilege but also an awesome responsibility to write so others may be kingdom-affected." I haven't hear this term before, but I love it. I certainly hope I can write so that, with God's help, of course, I may affect others so they know the way to the Kingdom of God. Thanks for your sharing your thoughts on this month's theme.


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