June 21, 2018

Taste and See ... by Jocelyn Faire

Would you like fries with that? (Yes)
 Would you like to supersize that? 
(No, well yes)

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8 NIV
There have been seasons of life dubbed as being in the drive through blessing zone; the times when there were not enough minutes to start the day with that quality devotional. The days I was not even able to go to the bathroom alone without an urgent knock on the door ... please let me have 3 minutes of peace. The days my book shelf housed: Where does A Mother Go to Resign? (Barbara Johnson) Those are the spiritual fast food days when you must pick up inspiration via the drive through ... and I see my daughter in that era now. Those were the days that taught me the importance of continuous communication and prayers with my God. Taste and see that the Lord is abundantly good.

If only she'd eat ...
The voiced concern of a friend's husband as he wonders why his Life Partner of more than forty years cannot eat. The fifteen year cancer battle has ravaged every part of her body, and now she is succumbing. But she has rallied many times; this time I think she will not rally ... She has battled fiercely. She and I had a prayerful conversation two weeks earlier. She said to me, “I just want to go home.” I told her I could understand, she had fought the good fight. "No, I just want to go to my house, I don't like the food here." Truth be told, she hasn't eaten much in the last nine months. Not only has her appetite decreased, her ability to eat has diminished as a result of radiation to her jaw. The words of Second Corinthians come to mind, of outwardly wasting away while being renewed inwardly day by day. The prayers of many are sustaining her and her family. Meanwhile meals are being delivered. There is a lot to be said for food service to families sitting at hospital bedsides. This is part of the comfort care. Taste and see that the Lord is kind.

When I think of comfort foods, I think of tapioca pudding still warm, with added melting chocolate chips, topped with a scoop ofvanilla ice cream. Or a whole grain turkey craisin picnic wrap with dill pickles, plain potato chips and ice cold coke. Or a hearty warm vegetable soup with a thick slice of multigrain bread. Or cinnamon buns and coffee with a friend. It is not just the calories we ingest, it is the context to go along with it. 

Memories are linked to foods and meal times; specific foods recall certain events. Scriptures can also be event or genre specific. I love to page through my Bibles to find numerous hand-written dates/places/events associated with the times the words were most meaningful.

These are a few of my favourite comfort verses ...
*When in need of Hope: You'll know then that I am God. No one who hopes in me ever regrets it. (Isaiah 49:23 MSG) Beside that I have starred* and written I declare, June 2013 this is one of many verses about that hope in God that does not disappoint.

*When I'm feeling down and blue: I rally with Psalm 42:5 (NASB) ... Why are you in despair oh my soul, and why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise him for the help of His presence. This reminds me that while I may feel discouraged at the moment, the feeling will pass, because I will experience His presence again.

*When overwhelmed: Isaiah 41:13 springs to mind. For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. With this verse, I have lifted my right hand both in my mind and in reality as I walked into high anxiety scenarios.

*When Life restructures: The walls you're rebuilding are never out of my sight. (Isaiah 49:16MSG) These verses inspired my daughter to create a wedding painting, these words were also used for that wedding in Dec 2016.

If only we would eat ... there are times in life, it seems we cannot eat, those are the times we need to help feed one another. Bring those meals ... a word of comfort alongside a great bowl of soup. Deliver pizza to a family if you can't make food. There are many ways to offer meaningful nourishment both scriptural and edible.

Taste and see that the Lord does Supersize!!  

Sometimes Jocelyn also blogs at: http://whoistalking.wordpress.com  This summer she will be planning nourishing scriptural and edible menus for numerous family events.
 Life and Faith canvas photo, taken at Providence College, artist unknown


  1. Thanks for these 'tasteful' verses!

  2. It's interesting how Christ was concerned about food as well as our spiritual Daily Bread.

  3. That is something I never thought of, Jocelyn--how much of our physical lives are centred around food. Planting it, Butchering it, unless you've given up meat. Purchasing it. Preparing it, Serving it. Blessing it. Eating it. Enjoying it. Complaining about it. Talking about it. Photographing it. etc. etc.

    No matter who you are or where you live, food is vital. No wonder God used the topic of food to teach us lessons about life and spirituality. What would the New Testament be if we took out all references of food? Bread and wine was sustenance and spiritual food.

    The tears came when I read this, not because we have too much or too little food, but because sometimes someone we love loses his or her appetite for food. Sometimes our loved ones lose their appetite for spiritual food as well. Your verses are delicious spiritual food. Thanks.

  4. Thank you Sharon for your comments; it is interesting how the breaking of bread together, both physically and spiritually is what binds us together. As you noted much of our lives revolves around the preparing of food(especially as women) ... providing nourishment for many ... and there are times when food has lost its appeal for our lives. "Give us this day our daily bread" ...


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