June 11, 2018

Nourishment for My Writing Life- Carol Harrison

I recently took a train journey with my husband. The travel plans included thoughts about what we would do to nourish our bodies. Since we traveled in the economy class, we needed to pay for all our meals or bring along items that could be eaten cold or things like instant soup and oatmeal that simply required hot water. It took thought and planning in order to travel as economically as possible but still be able to enjoy the journey.

We chose to treat ourselves to a few hot meals prepared by the train's excellent chef but most of our nourishment came from snacks and instant options.

I thought about my life in general and my writing life more specifically. How many times as I travel my journey do I settle for a quick bite rather than the full meal deal where I sit quietly with the Lord? No matter whether a few moments, a remembered verse or a longer time of reading God's Word, I am grateful for the promises of God. I love the fact that He is always there and never changes.

At times writing feels isolated. The negative thoughts of self-doubt and the lies of the enemy haunt me. At other times life is full of challenges that change the direction I need to take and the why of circumstances beyond my control fills my mind.

I cling to verses like Isaiah 41:9b & 10 (NIV)

"You are my servant; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

and Isaiah 43:1-3a (NIV)
"But now, this is what the Lord says - he who created you O Jacob, he who formed you O Israel; Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour."

No matter where my life journey or my writing travels take me; no matter what the negative voice inside whispers to me; I know that God has a plan and a purpose. He has given the promises in His Word, not just to the children of Israel but to all of us as well. They nourish my soul and come to mind even when all I have time to do is nibble on the Word of God.

As a speaker, published author and storyteller, Carol Harrison is passionate about mentoring people of all ages and abilities to help them find their voice and reach their fullest potential. She shares from her heart, telling stories from real life experiences and God’s Word to encourage people and help them find a glimmer of hope no matter what the circumstances. She believes we need to continuously grow in our walk with God and lives out her storytelling passion by speaking at women’s events and retreats, Bible Camps as well as school assemblies and church events. Carol is a wife, mother of four adult children and grandmother to twelve. She makes her home is Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.


  1. The verses you shared really spoke to me, Carol - so much so that I had to write them down myself in my devotional journal this morning. Isaiah is such a powerful book and I have found it to be a wealth of encouragement (and admonition!) Thank you for sharing.
    I enjoyed hearing the story of how you were able to travel 'economically', too. It reminded me of several trips we've taken where we did the same kind of things - especially when our kids were young and we didn't have much money but still wanted to experience life. :) We would save by making our own lunches to take on tours or sleep in our vehicle instead of pay for a hotel. (My children fondly call it the 'Hotel suburban' since that's the kind of vehicle we had.)

  2. Two of my favourite verses from one of my favourite books of the Bible! Methinks we are kindred spirits, Carol! :)

    1. Thank you for this post Carol. I resonate with, "How many times as I travel my journey do I settle for a quick bite rather than the full meal deal where I sit quietly with the Lord?" I feel a certain rebuke in that line that I take to heart. The rebuke is balanced out with, " Fear not, for I have redeemed you." Thank you for this thought provoking message.

  3. Hi Carol, your piece brings back good memories of our many train trips as well - and also how we used to pack our lunches on the train. Eating in the Dining car was a special and rare treat. I loved your verses - they have spoken to me as well.

  4. I travel quite a bit by bus, and I always pack a lunch and snacks for nourishment, too. Likewise, I often find spiritual nourishment in nibbles of God's Word. The verses you shared from Isaiah are some of my favourites.

  5. Such a good use of extended metaphor, Carol. I agree that there is benefit in nourishing ourselves with good nutritious snacks on our journey. I agree also that there is benefit in sitting down for a full-meal-deal and eating it like your are in the dining car. I was reminded of this recently. In Mark 4, we read Jesus' telling the parable of the mustard seed. In verse 34 and 35, Mark comments, "He did not say anything to them (the crowds) without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything."

    Yes, let's stay nourished with our healthy snacks and let us pray without ceasing, but let's also take time for those private times with our Lord. Thanks, Carol.


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