May 27, 2018

Fall Contests!

Fall Contest 2018 is opening soon. This is an opportunity for you to refine your work, get feedback from a judge/professional writer, and maybe win a cash prize.

Here are the categories you can enter:
            Devotional – Up to 300 words, including scripture.
            Poetry – Any style, up to 40 lines
            Nonfiction Essay to Conference theme, “The Art of Words”, up to 1500 words
            Adult Fiction – Any genre, up to 1250 words
            Songwriting – Any genre, MP3 recording & 1-2 pages lyrics with chords

Judges are chosen from professional writers and will provide feedback according to a set of marking guidelines called rubrics. It is to your advantage to look these over before you write your piece. They are specific for each category, and will help refine your writing. For example, one of the criteria on the rubrics is Format. If you follow the correct format, you will be awarded 5 marks. The 2018 rubrics will be posted on the website. Keep checking for them.  

Several contestants last year were really encouraged with their helpful critiques. A couple members share below: 

"I entered the Children's Easy Read - a category and genre I have never attempted to write. I anticipated the critique because I really wanted to learn from the judge’s comments about what I still needed in this new venture. I was not disappointed." (Carol Harrison)

When I ask for critique, I want more than a pat on the shoulder. The judge who offered comments on my contest entry gave me good critique, the kind that pushes me to improve. If I don’t know what I have missed or where I have written poorly, it’s very hard to know how to improve it! I appreciate the judge who trusted me with what I need.” (Pat Gerbrandt)

The deadline to send your entries is September 1st, 2018, and you will email your entries in an attached Word document to

Our Fall Contest 2018 Guidelines and Entry Form are being updated. Go to and select the “Contests” tab. Keep checking the website until you see the guidelines for 2018.

There is lots of time yet, so try writing several entries, and explore a new genre. You might surprise yourself with how much you like it! Have fun writing! We look forward to seeing everyone’s unique ideas.

Do you have questions? Please contact the contest coordinator at

Pam Mytroen

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