May 19, 2018

Hearts and Buds by Eunice Matchett

Winter has finally loosened its hold. The snow is gone, but behind it, is hours of work. Raking, mowing, trimming, the list goes on and on. A couple weeks back, when I was raking my front lawn, fatigue overcame me. I laid my rake down, by the forsythia tree, noting the expanding buds on the branches, and went inside to rest.

An hour later, I bent to pick up my rake, and wow, the buds on the top half of the tree had exploded into beautiful yellow flowers. I could not believe what I was seeing and stared at it like an enthralled child. In all my springs, I have never seen such a rapid transformation.

It took me back many years, to a little country school house that served as a church on Sundays, where I gave my heart to Christ. Although no buds exploded into blossoms that day, something awoke inside me that made me want to jump and run. Sadness that gripped my eight-year-old mind disappeared. I had a brand-new friend who loved me and lived right inside me.

Church became an adventure, rather than boring as it had before. Each week I learned a fresh dimension of my new life. At first the lessons were simple. David and Goliath, Esther, Ruth and Boaz. and how their experiences related to my own life. Later, I learned about the Paul’s life and how relevant his teachings are today.

No, life didn’t remain on such a high. I was eight years old and continued to get myself into trouble as I explored my boundaries. But my conscience sharpened. I grew a respect for ‘do not enter’ commands. Most of the time. Those times I ignored the silent red flags I suffered the consequences of my foolish actions. And regretted them, but not alone. Jesus stayed with me, offering forgiveness, and strength to refrain from making the same mistake again.

As years pass, the trials I encounter change. Some, I wonder how I survived, but no matter what happens, I am very aware that I’m not alone. Jesus is with me.  Regardless of how many times my own limited thinking has led me onto unstable ground, Jesus never turns away or gives up on me. All I need to do is ask Him for help.


  1. One of the things I have clued into is that you always write thing sas a story - and I love that about your posts! this is another wonderful example of that, Eunice. I really enjoy the unique voice that different writers bring to the table each month, but I honestly look forward to your posts.

  2. Eunice, I lalso love to see the buds explode on the trees. I enjoyed your post. What a wonderful comparison of the bud that opened in your heart that day as an 8 year old. That you for this post with a spring in it!

  3. Hi Eunice. I related so much to this. I too invited Jesus into my life when I was eight years old and I also could not have known just how he would stick with me through all the years of trials ahead but He has. I love your budding tree and the transformation that occurred; you were given the unique opportunity to see it almost transform before your eyes, yet the truth is it was transforming invisibly before just couldn't see it. It's so much like our lives. I really got a lot out of this post.


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