Beyond the QUALITY aspect, he focuses a lot on the business of writing. If you are going to make a living you have to treat it as a business. Intrinsic to this is time management, setting goals that are measurable and action oriented, and creating a marketing plan.
Here is a brief overview of Bell's 'Eight Essentials of a Writing Business'
1. Entertain your readers first
2. Develop multiple streams of writing income
3. Make a business plan
4. Define your unique selling proposition
5. Know how to handle finances
6. Be action oriented:
- have a daily word count/ writing quota
- limit social networking time (schedule it in)
- schedule in 'creativity' time to recharge
- study your craft
7. Quality control!
- get feedback
- hire professional editing
8. Have more than one project on the go
There is so much good information in this book that I highly recommend it to all authors, even if you aren't planning to write full time.
Book review by Tracy Krauss
Thanks for this review, Tracy. This sounds like a book I need to read.