June 23, 2016

An Escape by Lynn J Simpson

For the past few years, typically on one of those January afternoons where the temperature has not risen above -15 C in days, you will find me at the Muttart Conservatory (also known as 'those three pyramids just south of downtown Edmonton') purchasing my annual pass. It's the perfect place to escape to on those cold, winter days where my skin longs to be touched by heat, where my eyes long for colours beyond type on a computer screen, and where my mind longs for a new challenge of creating images with my camera. It's also a place where, no matter the season, I can spend a lunch hour, or an entire day capturing pictures of the beauty of God's unique creations, read long names of flower and plants I can never quite remember, and sit on a bench in the 'tropics' dreaming of other places in the world I have yet to visit. 

It encompasses all the qualities of the perfect hobby--a time to feed my heart, my mind, and my imagination. 

May your heart, mind, and imagination be fed today!


Lynn blogs at Inspiring Hope and some of her captured moments are at her photo blog.


  1. I love that place! So serene and inspiring!

  2. Love this, Lynn. Thank for sharing your escape.

  3. What a lovely idea, and great photos!

  4. Although I love living in a small Alberta town, you are making me wish I lived in Edmonton where I grew up. Then I too could hang out at Muttart Gardens and maybe run into a writing colleague like you. Or that could be the downtown Library, Starbucks, or a mall.

    On the other hand, I would spend more money parking and shopping at such places, so I will just be content with Thunder Lake, the Barrhead Neighbourhood Inn, or our smaller, but nice Barrhead Public Library. I do love meeting up with a writing buddy in these places too.

    Oops! My daydreams took me away from your blog and the beautiful spot at Muttart and the wonderful possibilities there for writing and taking beautiful photos like I see above. Your daydream of exotic places is lovely. Thanks.


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