June 29, 2016

Endless Summer Of Writing by Bob Jones

School’s out for the summer! Endless days of ice cream, popsicles, pools, playing in the park and… O wait, that was my post intro from 50 years ago.

For most of us, summer may not mean two empty calendar months like it does for students, but it does signify the start of a new season for learners.

You can look at this summer as a blank slate of possibility when it comes to writing.

This summer can be your time of experimentation. These next two months can be a creative playground to find new inspiration, dedicate time for your work in progress or start a new project.

Here's a suggested summer writing to-do list (courtesy of Jessica Lawlor at “The Write Life”):

1. Write in a new space. There’s nothing like removing yourself from your normal writing space to give you fresh perspective and new inspiration.

2. Plan an at-home writing retreat. Set aside a full afternoon with no distractions to write at home.

3. Participate in a summer reading challenge. The best way to become a better writer is to be a 
voracious reader.

4. Join a writing group or find a writing partner.

5. Clean up old files to find new inspiration. Sometimes, taking space from an old idea is just what we need to come back to it refreshed and inspired to start anew.

6. Start a blog. Blogging helps you build a personal brand, and can lead to valuable connections and new opportunities. It also helps you improve your own writing skills.

7. Find new blogs to read. Browse the list of 100 Best Websites for Writers

8. Refine your personal brand. Dedicate a little bit of time to further developing your unique personal brand as a writer through social media.

9. Pitch a guest post. Make a list of blogs where you’d love to see your work, research their submission guidelines and craft a pitch to send their way.

10. Plan ahead. Use summer as a time to plan for the future.

Summer may not hold the same meaning as it did when you were a kid, but you can still use these next few months to take your writing to the next level.

Let your summer of creativity begin!

Robert (Bob) W. Jones is a recovering perfectionist, who collects Coca-Cola memorabilia and drinks Iced Tea. His office walls are adorned with his sons’ framed football jerseys, and his library shelves, with soul food. He writes to inspire people to be real, grow an authentic faith in Jesus, enjoy healthy relationships and discover their life purpose.


  1. As a public school teacher, I'm with the kids when it comes to looking forward to the summer months. It is my most productive writing time, but I often put too much expectation on myself. I love some of your suggestions. I plan to go to a little writing retreat with some friends among other things.

    1. Thanks Tracy. I'm like a kid when it comes to summer time. Just came back from 2 hours on a paddle board on a lake as smooth as glass. Lots of writing ideas while we paddled.

  2. Thanks for these ideas for writing during the summer. They are practical and doable, except for the paddle boarding--not for me. I'm impressed that you could come up with writing ideas while you are on a paddle board. I'll have to seek my inspiration during a quiet walk through the trees or sitting on the deck watching the sun go down.

    1. Hi Sharon. I missed your comment when you posted. Thanks for reading and I hope you came up with your own fair share of good ideas on your walks or on your deck. My deck is where I am writing from now.


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