June 26, 2016

Art Appreciation by Marnie Pohlmann

“Those who can do; those who can't, teach.” – George Bernard Shaw

Let me add that those who can’t teach appreciate.

I am a writer, but I try my hand at many creative endeavors – only to find out I am not
a musician,
an artist,
a dancer,
a performer,
a gardener,
a sewer,
a decorator;
and I am not even very crafty.

However, I appreciate the creativity that surrounds us. As a teen I fell asleep to Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake and watched my Dad and brothers perform in Gilbert & Sullivan operettas. I have enjoyed Shakespeare at the Avon Theater in Stratford, Ontario and on the banks of the Saskatchewan River. I learned to read basic music. I have acted in skits. I learned to garden, somewhat. I have sewn simple items and chosen the colours and furniture for our home. When it comes to art, I feel like "a jack of all trades, master of none."

I have supplies for many creative arts. Cross-stitch, quilting, crocheting, stamping, card-making, colouring books… the list goes on and on. These supplies are loaned out more than used, and piled in totes, seldom touched by me as life elbows them out of the way.

I do find creative ways to live everyday life, though. Pretty napkins are added to the dining table. Fun pictures make announcements at church. Beautiful photograph backgrounds, some my own, contribute to worship song presentations and my blogs.

My soul is fed and my writing improved by seeing, hearing, and moving among the creativity around me. I cheer on friends and family as they draw, paint, or sew. Today as I write on my deck, wild fescue is dancing with the breeze in the empty lot beside my home. Chickadees are singing praise for God’s supply at the bird feeder. My sister-in-law (she really is the best) is painting our garden planter that is growing lettuce, dill, and herbs.

I have found, even when storms rage and crash on the shores of life, the magnificent imaginative power of God is evident. All around me life continually births anew, strengthening and inspiring my own God-gift of creativity.

Marnie blogs at Phosphorescent


  1. Have I mentioned recently how much I enjoy your writing style? :) In any case, I think this sums up exactly what each of us can and should do to find inspiration and rest - enjoy God's creation and the beautiful creations of others. We don't nee to be experts to do that.

    1. I am so glad we don't need to be experts - learning more about the craft is always more fun!

  2. Thank you Marnie for your creative posting … I loved the staggered lines of introduction and the expression of recognition of being a jack of many trades and master of none-I so connect with that. I too have tried my hand in many crafts, we have not failed in not mastering them, we have increased our appreciation for creativity. A delightful post:-)

    1. Yes, I think it's important to remember God said "It is good" - showing us to take the time to appreciate what has been created, by Him and humankind.

  3. Thanks for another powerful post, Marnie. I too enjoy your writing style, and I like to cheer you and other InScribe bloggers on when the writing touches me, which is absolutely most of the time.

    Although I identify with what you say throughout this blog, I especially respond to, "My soul is fed and my writing improved by seeing, hearing, and moving among the creativity around me. I cheer on friends and family as they draw, paint, or sew." Amen.

    And your conclusion, Marnie: "I have found, even when storms rage and crash on the shores of life, the magnificent imaginative power of God is evident. All around me life continually births anew, strengthening and inspiring my own God-gift of creativity." I think of the imaginative power of God in the rainbow photo you posted recently in Facebook, where you described this scene as your first day of radiation three years ago. That is seeing the imaginative power of God poured down on you. Amen.

    1. Sharon, sometimes when we share what our imagination sees, hears, or feels, we think others are looking at us strangely, like they don't get us. So you "getting it" and telling me so (and telling others, too) is very encouraging. I will continue to share pictures and words :) Thank you!


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