March 01, 2015

What Was Your Writing Eureka Moment? By Sandi Somers

The Greek scholar Archimedes stepped into his bath and suddenly realized that he displaced water exactly equal to his body’s volume. He was so excited that he ran through the streets, shouting “Eureka! Eureka!—I have found it!”

Prompt: Did you have a Eureka moment when you knew you wanted to be a writer? Or maybe you sensed God’s calling as a gradual process. Or maybe you always knew you wanted to be a writer. Tell us your story.

 Writing Retreat - June 2011

My writing life has been a series of turning points rather than Eureka moments.

One turning point came for me the summer of 2011. I was newly retired and had more time to develop my writing.

I also had determined to begin writing more intentionally.

Before plunging into my writing projects, I went on a private writing retreat. My goddaughter Clara was graduating from high school, and I drove from Calgary to Victoria to attend her graduation.

 The drive took two days, and I used that time to think, read, and plan.  I asked God to reveal His vision for my writing,

My guidebooks were my Bible, a devotional book, my journal, and Janice Elsheimer’s The Creative Call, a book that focused on freeing and developing the artist within us. “We will find the artist God intends us to be when we...become open to his plan and to the inspiration of His Holy Spirit. Only then will we experience personal artistic revival,” she wrote.

My mind filled with ideas. Like the jangling key ring of caretakers where I had worked, these ideas called out to be noticed. Yet my goals were not too clear.

I asked God for keys. Keys to unlock God’s  purposes for my writing. Keys to develop my writing skills. Keys to bring God’s love and healing to my readers. And the key to depend on the Holy Spirit for our source of inspiration.

Since then God has been faithful. I look back on that private writer’s retreat and see the beginning of my art becoming empowered by the Spirit, sometimes giving meaning to others that I could never have thought of on my own.

Now over to you. Tell us about any of your Eureka moments, turning points, or gradual opening of the way into your writing


  1. Clearly your private retreat with your Bible and God unlocked a turning point for you. Thanks for your words of inspiration.

  2. "Like the jangling key ring of caretakers where I had worked, these ideas called out to be noticed." What a vivid picture, Sandi. My need is to remember that God is the caretaker, God holds the keys. This will stay in my mind. Thank you.

  3. Your line about the 'jangling keys' also stood out for me. What a great simile!

  4. I love how you allow the Lord to use your creativity. That is a goal of mine. Really enjoyed this post~

  5. I loved your word picture of the key ring. It made it so easy to see those keys you were asking God for. Thank you for this inspiring post.

  6. Trusting God for your writing has been quite a trip. Thanks for the inspiration, Sandi.

  7. I liked the way to asked God for keys and He faithfully answered your prayers. Beautiful. Thanks too for sharing The Creative Call book with us. I am always looking for good books to challenge my creativity.

  8. Sandi, you have inspired me on how to focus for my upcoming writing retreat the end of this month! I am trusting that God will give me direction as he has you. Happy writing!


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