March 16, 2015

My Re-awakening by Loretta Bouillon

It all began late, last winter when my husband was cleaning out the shop and found a floppy disk with a title of a children’s picture book that I wrote 15 years ago. He asked if I still wanted it. At the time I wrote this book, I had young children and was in about my 6th year of sobriety. Searching for a simple children’s picture book explaining alcoholism and sobriety to a young child, I found no such book, so I wrote one. It is titled, “Mommy, Why Don’t You Drink Beer?” At the time, I had a good friend, who was a screenplay writer in Toronto, who offered to read it. I sent her the pages and she willingly read them and gave her suggestions. When I received her pages back, they were marked up in red with comments like, “make this more fun” and “be more creative”. Not receiving the criticism well, or just not having the energy to pursue the revision (having 3 little ones 5 and under) I just let it go. When it resurfaced years later, I re-read it and realized I still liked it. I did a google search to see if such a book had been written and I could not find one. On a trip to Vancouver, I checked out many bookstores asking for such a book. There was not one to be found targeting that age group. After a few revisions, I am now on a quest to find a publisher.

This book was the catalyst to my writer’s self-reawakening. I’ve always journalled, every day, all the time, for my whole life. My journals have changed over the years. They have become more of a God journal; a prayer journal actually. I have filled two boxes full of journals since I began chronicling my married-with-children years. It is the way I talk with God.

Sometime later, I joined a writing group and started writing for various contests, blogs and magazines. I am also working on a novel. As my children are older, I find I have more pockets of writing time in my week. I am enjoying the process but realize that really, this is a gift from God to me as a way to commune with Him. If He wants to use it for anything else, I trust He will lead me day by day.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17


  1. Thank you Loretta for sharing your story. Brene Brown tells us that owning our story is one of the most courageous things we can do. I hope you can also publish your story,,, all the best with the search. May you recognize His leading along the way. I often pray, that I will not hinder what God wants to do through me. Blessings!

  2. I consider this a much needed book; there is so much alcohol abuse. Have you thought of publishing with CreateSpace?

  3. Dear Lord, I pray with thanksgiving for the way Loretta "has owned her own story" and offered it to you. Like Bryan, I am aware of people around us, even loved ones, who have a problem with alcohol. Heavenly Father, if Loretta's story is one that could help one alcoholic come to terms with his or her drinking problem, if this story could spare one child from having an alcoholic parent, help Loretta get this story published and into the hands that need it. Bless this project of Loretta's and guide her to find ways for this manuscript to glorify your name. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and according to your name, I pray. Amen.

  4. Anonymous4:34 am GMT-7

    I love how you write your writing a first about Him, about communing with Him. That puts writing in perfect perspective.

  5. There is such a need for your book, Loretta. I work for a counselling agency, and lots of our kids are in foster care because of substance abuse. I've messaged you with a few ideas for publishers, or finding publishers. Praying the Lord will put you on the right track!

  6. Beautiful Loretta. Thanks for opening your heart to us. And all those journals to glean stories from--how wonderful. It is all truly is a gift from God. May God continue to guide you as you use that gift for His glory.

  7. I concur with all the comments Loretta. Isn't it interesting that God's timing isn;t ours?

  8. Thank you everyone.To be honest, I have been a little discouraged with the publishing of this book but I have found encouragement from your comments!


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