June 06, 2014

Writing. How Do I Love Thee? by Glynis M. Belec

Let me count the ways. I have always loved words. I remember fancying myself a writer as a child and creating some peculiar poems – they always had to be funny . Then there were those (according to me at the time) pretty hip songs.

An example of a poetry beginning that I remember:

How to Get Rid of Aunt Martha
by Glynis Latham Belec
Her kisses are squashy
Her lipstick is red
Her perfume is strong
Her hugs I do dread.
She pinches my cheeks
And says that I’m cute
And she always reminds me
To eat all my fruit. . .
(There’s more. I can’t remember it. Poor Aunt Martha was scared by Frederick the mouse and such, if I remember correctly!)

Sometimes I like being a pack-rat. Here is an
old report card of mine from (yikes!) 1967
In school I always did well in English. The words on my report card when I was ten years old encouraged me aplenty to do something with composition.  So I did. I wrote little things in my own diaries and in my jotters.  I wrote short stories and plays in my mind. No one would know about them or see them except me and God.  I was pretty shy about who I would show my writing to and at the time I sure didn’t have much confidence in my efforts.

I would absorb the classics, especially Black Beauty, Beautiful Joe, Little Women and more. Mom and Dad had bought us (my two sisters, my brother and I) subscriptions to a weekly comic. Mine was called DIANA. Every Christmas our parents would buy us the Annuals for the magazines. They were all prettily packaged under the Christmas tree. I could hardly wait to open and read my annual. It was like a very thick DIANA magazine with a hard cover. I loved that yearly gift and I am wishing now that I never got rid of my collection.

I always did a decent job in school with my writing and when I went into nursing school years later, I had to write an essay on safety. I got an A and the prof told me that I had a knack for the written word. No one had quite said it in those terms. I remembered that and when I had an opportunity to enter a writing contest many years, a husband and two children later and won first prize, something started to stir in my soul.

In 1986 I met Jesus face to face.  Shortly after that, I
realized that my passion was not something to hide. My passion was actually a gift. And how quickly I realized that if I didn’t accept and use that gift from God, I was surely missing out. Plus I was not being obedient to the Father.

By no means have I hit the big times in my writing 
career.  Although I still feel like success is a state of mind and not the thickness of the wallet. (Mind you a trial run of a thick wallet because of my writing would be something worth considering. I digress).

Just like so many of my beautiful writer friends, though, I keep slogging and praying and giving thanks for the open doors (and sometimes the closed ones). I long to write full time, but, the time isn’t quite right for that.
Jesus continues to open my eyes and continues to be the motivation for my passion.  For that I am so very grateful.

My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. NIV Psalm 45:1



  1. We have some common threads. I also enjoyed English class in school and I don't see my wallet getting too thick from something I've published but the dream is always there and I too hope the timing will be there one day as well. Keep plugging away. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks kindred spirit, Vickie! Plod on.

  3. I enjoyed this peek into your past. It certainly sheds light on the writer you are today! it is a shame you didn;t keep those DIANA annuals. They are probably worth money now (not that you would sell them if they were!) And I laughed when I read your Aunt poem! Children are so funny! thanks for brightening my day.

  4. I've always loved reading your stories, Glynis. You certainly do have a gift and I"m so grateful you are using it for the Lord! And, you must be one organized gal to find your report card from Grade 6! What a treasure.

  5. Glynis,
    I'm glad you keep slogging and praying and giving thanks because that is an inspiration to me. I too long to write full time but the time isn't right for me either. May we each continue to encourage one another to love and good works.

  6. I always enjoy your upbeat comments and emails, and some great quirky word use. You transmit an infectious joy in your faith.
    Thanks Glynis,

  7. Thanks Glynis for your uplifting post, I also loved the Aunt Martha poem and the reminder that success is a state of mind!


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