June 18, 2014

Like Food, Like Love, Like God by Dayna E. Mazzuca

Romancing with Words

A mile away, words matter. If I see a sign, a billboard, an advert or a call-out in words “creatively spelled” or “enhanced with seductive images” I have an almost allergic reaction. I divert my children’s attention much like my ultra-health-conscious friends shy their children away from the processed meat aisle. I want my words, images, messages and overall intellectual intake to be as healthy and robust as my super-slim girlfriends want their vitamins and organic goodies on a daily basis. For me, words are to the soul as food is to the body.

Up close, words matter. I can’t imagine hugging my husband on his way out the door and whispering sweet nothings about not forgetting to return the “fast-views” library DVDs. Rather, it's the sweet meaningless words that have a powerful effect. They can make us feel a thousand times better than any well-crafted speech, $6 Hallmark card, or front-page National Post article we strongly agree with. Up-close words are for loving. They shelter us from the needs and greeds of the outside world. They fortify us. Especially when combined with a loving touch or a longer-than-usual look of deep acceptance. Bon mots are to the heart what a hug is to my marriage.

And then there’s what we put on paper, or the screen, or into a book, a story… there are the words we write. Talk about romance! Commitment, devotion and loyalty! Writers seem more wed to their words-of-choice than any married couple I know. The Bible talks quite a bit about not being double-minded; being wholly devoted, consecrated and even “set aside” to the purposes of God. I am convinced the writer’s gift is of a spiritual nature when I see how our spiritual walk parallels our walk as writers. We are wholly unsatisfied with the “wrong” word choice or an “unconvincing” story line or “flat” characters. We want what is real, strong, and even holy to appear and be made manifest through our otherwise rather humble creations of words arranged on paper. Why else would we care so much, unless it was God who was at work within us, helping us hone our craft and discern our particular calling—all to his glory. Single-mindedness is to the spirit what a perfect page of prose is to the writer.

There’s this deep desire in a writer to dovetail what’s going on inside with what’s being consumed, uttered or written on the “outside.” Writers are creatures of high ideals. They crave purity, constancy, protection, affirmation, strength, commitment, achievement and engagement. They look for this on a cultural, driving-by level. They look for this in their relationships. And they look for this in their God-given work.

The good news is the Bible says he who seeks—finds!


  1. I am deeply moved by your post today. Your words actually gave me chills - the good kind - because everything you wrote resonated with me. I'm thrilled to discover a kindred spirit, just through your beautifully written words. Thank you for sharing. -Vickie

  2. Yes! So much has been watered down or altered to appeal to the masses these days. The purity and beauty of words well spoken (or written) will stand out in the crowd.

  3. I so agree about the romance of words - how true that words a mile away, matter. And not just literally speaking. Sometimes I get sick of the lurid, seductive messages that are thrust in our faces (and those of our children.) But that just verifies how much power words hold. Thanks, Dayna, for opening our eyes and confirming how much of a gift (and responsibility) writers have to glorify God with such! Nice job.

  4. Good concepts to internalize.

    To be able to hold to this ideal... An admirable goal indeed, and one Jesus would approve.

  5. Words can be so powerful. They can heal, comfort, support or they can kill. Writers have a big responsibility with their words to God but also to those around.
    Very well said.

  6. Amen! our mind-set reflects in our writing so we should 'set our minds on things above'. Loved your analogies and sound advice!

  7. Nice to hear other writers can relate... as words are so powerful - mostly in how they build (or tear down) our relationships - to our friends, family, God and even to the world around us... I think this is why I feel at home with writers - who seem so aware of the power of their words. Amen.

  8. Dayna, I so agree that the writer's gift is of a spiritual nature. That is so beautiful--but also comes with a HIGH responsibility. I never connected that with double-mindedness but it makes such sense. Thanks for your thought-provoking post.

  9. I found your words encouraging, Dayna, to allow God to transform me while writing. Sometimes I see them as separate endeavours but it can be something God uses to bring me closer to Him.
    Pam Mytroen


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