August 03, 2013

Where is God in My Writing? - Janis Cox

I used to have time to write, before I published Tadeo Turtle. Somehow time has become shorter. Why is that?

Marketing? Blogging? Platform building? Social Media?

This month God showed me something very important. I don't need to do all that all the time. He showed me that I can spend 40 hours taking an art course, have fun and also have time to blog, eat, and time with my hubby.


This past week the same thing happened. Three days were taken away from social media as a family member needed my help. And except for almost forgetting this post, most things were accomplished.


I think I have found the answer. I asked myself what is really important? And I remembered that each day God has His agenda - and I am supposed to let go of my agenda.

I have this quote above my computer. I can't find it online so have no idea where it came from.

"We have no control over what life delivers to our door. But we have complete control over our response. Let the record show your response brought glory and honour to God."

God had been taking time to talk to me and I didn't want to listen. He showed me that I am a special work of His but I am in progress. Remember: God isn't finished with me yet.

If I remember to let go and leave my day to God, He does give me the time, the nudging, the connections and the energy to do it His way. So I can do art; I can write; I can visit family.

God shows me what is really important to Him. (tweet this)

"We have no conception of what God is aiming at, and as we go on it gets more and more vague" (Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, August 3).

My only goal is to please Him. 

Are you writing for God? Are you listening to His nudges?

What has God been saying to you lately? Are you doing what you love? Are you excited to do it? Why do you write? Ask yourself these questions. Then ask God to show you where He wants you to focus your attention and time. 

I have learned to continue to follow His Footsteps and He will show me the way He wants me to go.

Janis Cox

Janis Cox - Author and Illustrator
Janis, a former school teacher and small business owner, found a new passion in writing in her retirement. A writer since 2003, Janis co-ordinates a group blog called Under the Cover of Prayer. She is also a contributor to a group blog calledFamily and Faith Matters. Janis is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press. She is the author and watercolour illustrator. For more information visit Janis on her website He Cares for You. She is a member of The Word Guild and Inscribe Writers Fellowship.


  1. Well said, Janis, and I love that unknown quote. God has time for what He wants in our day, but we need the discernment and the discipline to not add in extras that we want.

  2. Very good point! Now, during my health problems because of high temperatures in my city, I can't go to my church because I must go to it by tram. It would be dangerous for me. But I feel everything what I make has sense - God watch this and He knows about everything.
    According to Your journey to my city, I have good news - in next week we will have more cool weather. This Friday will be the worst, because we will have (according to weather forecast) +35 degrees (95 F). It's difficult to say, what will be in September, because in Poland weather is very unstable. It depends also in which part of September You will go here.
    The best forecast for all world cities are here:
    Greetings from really hot Cracow.

  3. Thanks Janet,
    I love that quote too - it means never to get upset with what happens - to pray and listen to how to deal with it. Discernment yes.

  4. Hi Zim,
    That is hot weather your are having. Praying that you can stay cool. God does know exactly where you are and what is happening.
    35 C is HOT HOT HOT.
    We will bring warm and cool clothes. We are coming 5-15 of September. Thanks for the link.

  5. Janis, thanks for sharing what you're learning. Marketing and finding balance is something many writers struggle with. You've reminded us that God knows the best balance for each of us - what works for one person may be totally wrong for someone else.

  6. Little mistake - this hot will be at Thursday. I'm hope that we will have little rain.
    Do You know the First Baptist Church in my city? I ask, because we had a lot of American tourists here and maybe I remember You.
    In September weather in all Poland is very changeable. But there is one rule - if day is sunny, mornings and evenings are cool, but at the noon could be quite warm. So the best clothes are both for cold and warm weather. And You must remember about umbrella or coat - in the middle of September there are rainy days. Greetings for You :)

  7. Thanks Ruth and Tracy,
    I struggle but know that God has the plan and I keep my eyes on Jesus - He knows what He is doing even though I may not.

  8. Zim
    I have only been to Gorzow - Baptist church there. I have never been to Krakow... yet.

    Good advice for the weather. Thank you.

    I would like to know how you found me.



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