August 15, 2013

Professional Reading - Tracy Krauss

Writers should also be readers. We've all heard it. I don't mind this advice one bit because I love reading - fiction, that is...

However, if we are serious about the craft, we should also be reading non-fiction books that will help us become better at what we do. This is what's called 'professional reading', and I also love reading books that inspire me to write better or help me learn new skills. Here is a list of books that I've read this year or that are on my professional  'to read' list, along with a short description in case you decide you want to read them, too.

Okay, to be fair, I read this one over the Christmas break last year, so it kind of falls in both my 2012/2013 reading lists! I found the book very motivational and I still use many of the principles she outlines. It is well worth it. I actually wrote several blog posts about it, which can be found on my blog 'Expression Express'.

This is a very practical guide to blogging better. I plan to use many of the principles in this book in my blogging workshop at the fall Inscribe Conference. Of course, I also blogged about it

Secrets of the Sixth Figure Author –  by Tom Corson-Knowles
Again, this a very practical book - jam packed with 'action plans' and 'do-able' advice. I was so impressed after reading it that I went and bought five of his other books! He is definitely doing something right! For more details, check out my blog post.

These are only a sampling of the 'professional' books I've read this year. In total I've read fourteen books on writing, marketing, or publishing. (I keep a list. *Smile*)

I also have two new books which I am very anxious to read but haven't gotten to yet.

The Plot Skeletonby Angela Hunt
This is the book that speaker Nancy Rue referred to at last year's Inscribe conference. Can't wait to read it! 

The Emotion Thesaurusby Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi
I came across this one after reading about it on a blog post. Just goes to show that blogging about books pays off!  

So there you have it! What's on your professional reading list?

Tracy Krauss is a writer of romantic suspense novels and stage plays. She also finds time to teach high school Drama, English and Art. She and her husband currently live in Tumbler Ridge, BC. For more go to her website: or follow her blog 'Expression Express'.


  1. I'll have to look into some of these!

  2. Tracy, I went looking for these books. With so many books out there, it's great to get a hands on reference about the good ones. Thanks so much for sharing.

    BTW, I couldn't get the link to your first book on the list (2k to 10k...) to work. The others were fine.

  3. Tracy, I so glad you passed along some of your favorites, since there are so many out there. And I'm glad you found the Emotion Thesaurus (a book that I was hoping someone would write!). I had the privilege of being in Angela Ackerman's children's writing group for a year or so, and she is such a generous, energetic sweetheart.


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