August 29, 2013

5 Reasons You Should Attend the ICWF Fall Conference

In less than a month, Christian writers from across Canada will be gathering in Wetaskiwin, Alberta for the 2013 ICWF Fall Conference. Perhaps you're undecided about whether you should attend or not. Here are 5 reasons I think you should register and attend:

1. To fellowship with other Christian writers. Writing can be a lonely occupation. Our craft demands that we spend hours in concentration, picking the exact words to express the ideas in our heads. Often as writers, we doubt our abilities and calling. Gathering with other Christian writers provides opportunities to share experiences and talk with people who "get it" when it comes to writing. Spending time with other Christian writers is encouraging and motivating. The ICWF Fall Conference is a great opportunity to interact with other Christian writers and get inspired to continue on with our writing.

    2. To hone our writing skills. No matter how long we've been writing or how many classes we take on writing, we can always improve. At the 2013 ICWF Fall Conference we will have the opportunity to learn from keynote speaker, Murray Pura about how to get published and stay published. We will also have the opportunity to share our writing with others in the manuscript or free fall sessions. Then there are wonderful workshops to choose from on various topics including writing poetry.

    3. To celebrate with winners of the Fall Contest. On Friday evening the winners of the 2013 Fall Contest will be announced. Those who are present will receive certificates and prizes. The InScribe purpose statement says: "We exist to stimulate, encourage and support Christians who write anywhere across Canada, to advance effective Christian writing, and to promote the influence of all Christians who write." Our Fall Contest is one way we do this.

    4. To learn more about InScribe Christian Writers' Fellowship. At conference we will participate in the ICWF annual general meeting. Executive members present reports outlining what has happened over the past year. Other members have the opportunity to ask questions and give suggestions. Elections are held for executive positions. Perhaps you have some time to volunteer and would like to contribute to growing our organization. We need people who can serve in the roles of vice-president, treasurer, and publicity. We are also looking for "techies" who can grow and develop our website, mentors who can support our satellite groups. There are many more opportunities as well.

    5. To be challenged in our walk with God. Those of us who belong to InScribe are not just writers, we are Christian writers. At conference we have the opportunity to spend time singing worship songs, praying together, having devotions together, learning from other Christian writers, and interacting on an informal basis.
    Perhaps you have other reasons for attending conference. Please share them in the comment section. The ICWF Fall Conference has become one of the highlights of my year. I hope this year's conference will be a highlight for you!

    Ruth L. Snyder lives in northeastern Alberta with her husband and five young children. She joined the InScribe executive 3 years ago and is currently serving as the publicity coordinator.


    1. Great reasons to attend Fall Conference!

      I think my favourite reason for going to conference is to connect with other writers and to meet face to face with people I've chatted with online.

    2. Thanks for the reminders, Ruth! I hope to get up north to a conference again soon and in the meantime, I'm glad we have the blog.


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