July 09, 2013

Faith Enough - Shirley S. Tye

In 2004, I felt God urging me to use my writing to encourage people. I did just that for about six years; writing and telling stories to various groups who called on me. The stories which I wrote were used as tools to encourage and teach others with the hope they’d see who they truly are in God’s eyes and learn of His plans for them. I also wrote regularly for a local magazine.

But there are twists and turns, and hills and valleys, and detours on the road of life. Changes can be difficult to accept and adjust to. For the past three years, since my move back to my hometown, my storytelling and writing have not been in demand. In fact, none of my talents are in demand as they were in the previous town. I’m a stranger in my hometown. So here I sit….not even sure where it is I’m sitting now. It certainly isn’t the mountain top because there is no view, just a thick forest with many trails. Which trail should I take? What does God want me to do now? This waiting is aggravating. I’m a person of action. Is this a test? It feels like a test? How am I doing? Not too good; I’m impatient and cranky.

I’m just idly sitting here swinging my legs, wondering, praying, and reading His Word. Where is God; why doesn’t He say something; why doesn’t He give me direction; why aren’t my talents being utilized? I’m restless. I’m trying to exercise patience. But I haven’t given up. I have faith enough that God is still with me even though I can’t feel His presence; faith enough to believe that God will speak to me or He may be speaking now, I just have to clean my ears – yeah, I know, clean my heart too; faith enough that He has a plan for me; faith enough that what I’m learning now will help others, I’ll be able to encourage others again.

I don’t understand this quiet isolated place I’m stuck in but I have faith enough that God will bring about a change soon. After all, He is in control. I’m in good hands.


  1. "Nazareth! Can any good thing come from there?" Nathaniel asked when Philip told him about Jesus. He didn't expect much from anyone who came from this area. (John 1:46)

    All eyes were on him when he read the sacred scroll containing Isaiah's prophecy of his coming. After reading, he said, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."

    Jesus knew he was expected to minister in Nazareth as he had in Capernaum. But he already knew of their rejection of him. "I tell you the truth," he told them before he sat down, "no prophet is accepted in his hometown." (Luke 4:14-24)

    You can talk to Jesus about how you feel, Shirley. He too went back to his hometown. I pray you find your place and the service our Lord would have you do.

  2. Sharon's response is right on. Be blessed and encouraged today.


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