July 08, 2013

What is Cowboy Church -- Vivia Oliver

We're pleased to have one of our InScribe members, Vivia Oliver, join us today as our Guest Blogger here at InScribe Writers Online.

Cowboy Churches have sprung up all over North America like the proverbial bad weed. They seem to be growing at a phenomenal rate, with nearly 700 listed all over Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, as well as all over the USA.

Cowboy church is an evangelical non-denominational Christian fellowship, reaching out to those who like the western way of life. Our aim is to reach out to people who are afraid of traditional organized churches. We lean toward relaxed atmosphere and acceptance of any and all people, common or otherwise. We accept folks from every walk of life, every occupation and ability. There is no dress code at Cowboy church. In some groups they sit at tables and drink coffee during services, without discrimination.

Our goal and mission at Cowboy churches is belief in the inspired word of God and to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus. The main goal is love God and love neighbour; and work toward that end at all times. We care for each other as members, we have prayer ministry, visiting of the sick and helping where needed, or holding memorial services and baptisms, as well as communion services.

Our leadership is made up of members who are picked from people who are dedicated to the future of the church in each area. Constant attendance is a plus in that category. Also people use their God given talents to perform whatever tasks are required to run a good organization. People with musical talents perform, ladies and gentlemen, make coffee and serve at funerals, etc. The minister and helpers visit the sick or young people help with building bees. Horse related activities are held for those with that bent, also camping trips.

So if you’re out looking for a great group of people to worship the Father and Son, look up a Cowboy church. There could be one close by; look up Cowboy church on your internet search engine and you’ll come up with a long list. God bless your results.

Vivia Oliver


  1. Vivia, Thanks for joining us as our Guest Blogger today.

    I appreciate you sharing your involvement with the growing movement of Cowboy Churches in Canada and across North America. It's exciting -- and fun -- to see how God is reaching and touching people in this unique style of worship.

  2. I'd heard of Cowboy Churches and now I know more about what they are - thanks for this lovely little explanation!

  3. We have some very good friends involved in the 'Cowboy Church' in Sask. (They travel extensively all over western Canada, though.) They are so genuine and are having an impact where ever they go.


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