July 01, 2013

A Birthday Present Giveaway!

It's Canada's Birthday today and we're celebrating this special event with a 'Birthday Present' Giveaway!

Hot off the press from Chicken Soup for the Soul, we're excited to offer one FREE copy of Inspiration for Writers: 101 Motivational Stories for Writers - Budding or Bestselling - from Books to Blogs.

"With 101 stories from published writers who stuck with it and succeeded, you will be inspired and encouraged, whether you’re an aspiring author, a blogger, or a bestselling writer."

Draw:  July 11th at 11:00 am

Our draw is now closed.

Here's how to enter (you can do one or all of the following):

  1. Leave a comment on this post indicating you want to be included in the draw and your name goes in once.
  2. Mention we're having this draw on your blog, Facebook or Twitter, you have two entries. (Let us know if you've done this.)
  3. Follow us (see the sidebar) and/or like us on Facebook, there's your third chance.
  4. Tell us one thing that inspires you as a writer or a reader of books and that'll be your fourth entry.
  5.  No, you don't need to be a member of InScribe and you don't need to live in Canada to enter.

 Happy Birthday, Canada!

'God keep our land glorious and free.'

 This draw is being sponsored by your Blog Moderator.


  1. Who couldn't use inspiration? I'd love to be included in the draw! Thanks!
    Kimberley Payne

  2. Please include me in the birthday present give away. Happy Birthday Canada!

  3. I'm always up for an inspiring story. Include me, please!

  4. I would love a copy of this book. I'm a write - and hey, it's a free book. :)
    I will definitely promote it on FB.
    I have already liked Inscribe from my profile but will do so from my page as well.
    Connecting with other writers, like I was able to do at Write! Canada, charges my batteries and fires me up to write.

  5. Please include me in the draw for this inspiring book! I've mentioned the draw on my Facebook page. Already follow the blog and like you on Facebook.

    As a writer, I'm inspired when I connect with other writers and teachers, who encourage and spark my imagination!

  6. One thing that inspires me about writing is connection with other writers. I do this through my local InSpiration Group, which is part of InScribe Christian Writers' Fellowship.

    I would love this book, dear moderator, and I have now done #1,2,3, and 4, so I think I've entered the draw 4 times.

    Anyone want to challenge that? :-)

  7. That sounds like a book I'd like to read. Please enter my name.

  8. Hi,
    Count me in.
    1. I shared on Facebook
    2. I tweeted
    3. I all ready liked the inscribe Christian Writers' Fellowship.
    4. What inspires me to write is God - His leading, His connections, and His strength and wisdom.
    Janis www.janiscox.com

  9. I'm happy to enter your draw for the book--happy Canada Day!

  10. Pick me, pick me! Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway. I shared the link on Facebook and Twitter, have liked the InScribe Facebook page, and am inspired in my writing by events, people, and reading.

  11. I would love to win this book. Please include me in your draw. I now follow you on Twitter, and shared the contest on FB. As a writer, I'm always looking for inspiration.
    Thanks for the opportunity to be entered 4 times.

  12. And - what inspires me - being outside in God's creation. There are so many lessons He teaches me when I take that time to just be.

  13. I tweeted: https://twitter.com/KoalaBearWriter/status/352096226524672001

  14. I shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheKoalaBearWriter/posts/579568675427111

  15. Melanie Fischer10:47 am GMT-7

    Yes...Please do include me in the draw!!

  16. Would love to win this. Shared on FB. :) Marcia

  17. Happy Birthday Canada! So blessed to be a Canadian as well as a Christian writer to enjoy the privileges of the country.
    Please include me in the draw.

  18. I'd love to win this book! I will definitely post to FB. I think I'm most inspired to keep writing when I meet random people around town who read my column and tell me how much they are blessed by it.

  19. I would love to be included- I love Chicken Soup and writing! :)

  20. Liked on facebook (Ashleigh Swerdfeger)

  21. I would love to be entered into the contest. I've shared this contest on Facebook (as Megan Bailey). As a writer I am inspired by everything around me - from conversations with friends (or strangers), interesting articles, humorous facts, photos & more!

  22. That sounds like an awesome book to add to my library. Please include me in the draw.

  23. Chicken Soup...delicious. Just the thing to soothe and stir my muse! Count me in (please...)

  24. Janet Seever12:14 pm GMT-7

    It sound like a great book for any writer. I would certainly like to read it.

  25. I now follow this blob. I'd love to have this book. Something that inspires me to keep writing is learning about writers getting many rejections, but they kept on writing until they were published.

    Debbie Malone

  26. Oops, that was supposed to be blog and not blob. My bad!

    Debbie Malone

  27. Who wouldn't want to learn more about their craft of writing!
    I love to hear about other writers and their struggles and trials to get published and then READ!!
    Brenda J Wood

  28. Oh, boy, could I use some inspiration and a little encouragement right now. Sounds like a great book. Count me in. Thanks!


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