April 15, 2011

Tracy Krauss - A Complex Simplicity

One week from today marks the day Christendom remembers the crucifixion. Three days later we celebrate Christ's resurrection, the very hub of our faith. It is this central event that drives everything we believe in, for without the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our hope is nothing more than human indulgence at best, a pathetic farce at worst.

Of course we all know this. There is no question in the mind of a true believer that Jesus, as the incarnate God of the universe, chose to die and then came back to life again so that our sins might be atoned for. We read it, pray it, sing it. It is part of the very fabric of our faith.

But the philosopher in me likes to ponder these mysteries. . . likes to look at them from all angles. I wonder sometimes if we've become so accustomed to this TRUTH that we miss the amazing complexity of what God has done. Every event leading up to the resurrection - even as far back as the garden - was orchestrated toward this focal point. The complexities of God's plan as laid out in His word baffle the mind. It is beyond our human comprehension that the creator of all living things would be willing to sacrifice Himself for the sake of such a rebellious and stubborn creation. He could just as easily have wiped the slate clean and started over. Instead He chose to make a way where there was no way.

And it is in this thought that we also see the simplicity of it all. God's complex schematic for man's redemption has a very simple application. Believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved. That's it.

Like a flower or a snowflake, the simple beauty of God's creation actually showcases the complexity of construction. So it is with the resurrection. Simple complexity. Complex simplicity. Whichever way you look at it, it remains the most most amazing and awe inspiring event of all time.


  1. "So it is with the resurrection. Simple complexity. Complex simplicity. Whichever way you look at it, it remains the most most amazing and awe inspiring event of all time."

    So true, Tracy. I feel so blessed to know the truth and to know the Savior.
    Pam M.


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