April 08, 2011

God's Unfailing Love -- Janet Sketchley

The NIV declares of God, “his love endures forever” 43 times. “Unfailing love” appears 40 times, always describing God’s love. These results are just from the Old Testament. The New Testament overflows with God’s love too, so I assume the writers used phrases that translate differently.

But Old Testament life seems to have a harsher edge to it than New Testament and into today. God was preparing the way, but the Messiah had not yet come. The Holy Spirit came to individuals but not to all. If God spoke to a person it was usually through a prophet or an angel.

God was preparing a people for Himself and there were a lot of growing pains. There still are, even now when we can rely on the Holy Spirit living in us, Christ in us, the hope of glory.

In the middle of the hardship of Old Testament life as God sculpted a reluctant people for Himself, when their actions often required correction in the form of invading armies and exile, His Holy Word proclaims His unfailing, forever-enduring love.

Whatever we face today, we can know and rely on God’s love God for us. There is hope.

© Janet Sketchley, 2011
For devotionals, reviews and conversation, stop by Janet Sketchley's blog, God with Us: Finding Joy.


  1. I am so grateful that his love is 'unfailing'. Otherwise none of us would stand a chance!

  2. I'm glad we still have the Old Testament. Sometimes we need the "harsher edge" you find there, even as New Testament Christians.
    But, as you remind us, God's unfailing love is broadcast throughout Scripture as the basis of His interaction with us.

  3. Praise God that His Spirit now indwells every believer to encourage, guide and comfort us!
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    Love in Him,
    Laurie Collett


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