August 15, 2021

More than a Suggestion - Tracy Krauss

Bob Jones quoted poet Edgar A. Guest in his post this month: "Rest if you must, but don't you quit". I LOVE that! I also appreciated his mention of Carol Tice's exhortation to take a complete Sabbath rest. 

I'd like to expand on that thought... 

Her words ring true because they come straight from the heart of God. Think about it. God didn't suggest we take a Sabbath rest. He commanded it. It's right there with "Thou shalt not kill... steal...commit adultery..." So why do so many Christians (myself included) downplay--or even ignore altogether--this command? 

We can blame a busy life, our work schedule, not enough hours in a day, or any number of excuses. I'm not judging. All these things are true. God knows we tend to overcommit.

Which is kind of the point. God knows we NEED a Sabbath rest in order to be more productive the rest of the week. Without a day to rest and recharge, we deplete ourselves to the point that we just aren't able to keep up. And then we crash.

Taking a Sabbath rest is one of those Biblical principles that doesn't make sense in the natural realm. If I don't have enough time to do everything, how is taking a day off going to help? It sounds counter-productive.

Well, it's very similar to another principle: tithing. How can people who are strapped for cash afford to tithe? If you don't have enough money to pay your bills, giving away ten percent of your income sounds ridiculous. It's just not sensible. 

Except... in God's supernatural realm, it opens up the windows of heaven for even more blessings. In my lifetime, my husband and I have been dirt poor more than once. We could barely put food on the table. But what little we did have, we tithed. We never starved and we never had to sleep on the street. In fact, more than once we received unexpected money or anonymous gifts. We never went without, even though we faced some really hard times. So we keep on giving... and God has continued to bless us beyond what we deserve. Tithing doesn't make sense, but God honors those who do it. (And tithing isn't one of the ten commandments, like taking a Sabbath rest is. Just a side note...) 

It all points back to the principle of reaping what we sow. If we give generously, then we are rewarded generously. I believe this same principle can be applied to our time.

Can't find enough time in the week? Start taking a day off. Seriously. Despite the counter-intuitive nature of such action, it actually works. What time you do have will be much more productive. Chores get done more efficiently. Life runs more smoothly. Give God the Sabbath and He will honor the rest. 

I realize this isn't a popular notion in today's culture. We are very used to hoarding our time. And for the record, I'm not talking about some kind of legalism. God didn't institute a day of rest because He wanted to punish us or because He is a fun-sucker. It is actually for our benefit. You don't have to spend the entire day reading the Bible and praying, but as Carol Tice said (referencing Bob's post again) don't do any work and don't THINK about work. If that means staying away from technology, then so be it. 

Resting one day a week is more than a suggestion. It is a recipe for a happier, healthier, more productive life. Why not give it a try?

Tracy Krauss
writes - and rests - from her home in Tumbler Ridge, BC. She has many books and plays in print and is currently serving as Inscribe's president. For more visit her website:  


  1. Love this! So many of us are guilty of taking time to rest or even acknowledging the Sabbath as a day of rest - myself included. What a great reminder that God commanded us to rest.

    1. Yes it is a struggle, especially for those of us who are "productivity" oriented...

  2. OOPS - Not taking time to rest

  3. Rest and get more work done? Just does seem right in our human, practical driven minds! But God knows us best and His is The Way! Great post Tracy!

    1. Thanks Lynn. Now I just need to put my own advice into practice... !

  4. Amen, dear Tracy, to obeying God's word concerning rest and giving. He's able to multiply loaves of bread, increase oil in a jar, turn water into wine, and multiply our financial resources as well as our time. We can never out-give God. Or out-love Him.
    Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

    1. Amen to that Wendy! It doesn't make sense, but God is a God of the miraculous.

  5. Thank you for this timely reminder, Tracy.

    1. Thank you fro taking the time to comment Susan! Blessings to you.

  6. And here is a VERY interesting note about this post... When I checked for comments on the day of this posting (a Sunday) I didn't have any comments yet. I think God was nudging people to take that day of rest! LOL! Love how he works out even the smallest details!

  7. I agree about rest and tithing. What I hate is legalism. We don't want to be like the Pharisees who tithed right down to the minutest detail but ignored the INTENT of both commandments. We should give cheerfully, not tearfully.

    It's also amazing how a nap will refresh a person. So does doing something different.Even seasonal changes are refreshing. Though I hate winter with its dark nights and numbing cold, the radio reception on AM is wonderful. Everything smells so nice in spring. And even with the bugs and magpies, summer feels so good. Autumn has good colours but it also makes us appreciate the warm weather that we tire of in July.

  8. Thank you for this reminder, Tracy. I find even as one who is "retired," I can be somewhat over productive. I try to pace myself in order to take time for the rest God means for us in Sabbath rest. As you point out the Sabbath is a command from God. Perhaps it is one we think doesn't need to be taken in a serious manner, therefore, we get over tired.

  9. Thanks for your timely reminder to take a Sabbath rest, Tracy. We all need to be reminded of God's economy. He even supplied double manna on the day before the Sabbath so the Israelites could rest one day.


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