May 22, 2020

Writing in the Cracks of Life by Alan Anderson.

“What I see around me would drive me insane if I did not know that no matter what happens, God will have the last word.” --Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain

My words weep on to the page as I begin this sensitive and frank blog post for May. Permit me to sound off and respectfully stray from the writing prompt. This present time has revealed cracks going far beyond my writing.

Since the COVID19 virus gained worldwide prominence in March 2020 startling societal cracks are being revealed. The virus shows an enemy can bring attention to “cracks” ever present and tolerated.

As a writer, my voice seeks to be real without being offensive or politically correct. Please forgive me if readers may disagree with what is written in this post. In humbleness, I ask you to read the post to the end.

I make it a point to not write about Covid-19 neither comment about what other people write about it. I do not give Covid-19 my time neither is it allowed to steer my life. The virus receives a lot of national and international attention. So much has been said one now has to discern truth from error.

Since the rise of Covid-19 the world slowed down. The world slowed down, however, because of the wisdom of people and the will to survive. At first even our mighty world leaders stumbled at the attack of this virus. This inflicted an unfamiliar pressure on our leaders. They almost fell under the spell of this rampant illness.

Please allow me to suggest to readers a rather perverse twist in the projection of Covid-19. The illness has exposed glaring cracks in Canada. Canada finds itself wanting and broken in this light. In my estimation Canada closes its eyes to its own brand of barbarism. How Canada treats our unborn children and other marginalized people shows this. When the virus subsides the cracks will still be here.

As a writer who is also a Christian I can bring hope despite the cracks. You see there is always hope even amid horror. Covid-19 causes the world, including Canada, to grieve. Even nature holds its head down and weeps. This grief, however, is a sign of compassion and collective sorrow, not defeat. Compassion and hope are not part of an illness like Covid.

Times of crisis and hardship cause kind people to shine and continue to do so. Those with compassionate hearts will continue to love. Those who by nature are helpers will continue to help today and in the days ahead. They give hugs to the world through their compassion and love.

My writer and reader friends, the COVID-19 wave of misery has not taken God by surprise. God loves the world and is present this suffering. We have an amazing and unique opportunity to point the world to real hope.

After the virus leaves how will we help heal wounded people it left in its wake? How might we help even now? We can help heal the rotten cracks in our society that have become, “normal,” today. We can fill them with the hope, love, and the peace of God. We can pray and pray again. Anything less only supports the rotten cracks, all too common in our country and world today.

As writers we can cry for our country and for the world. We may cry together and for each other. We know as Christian writers and readers, God will have the last word. May God help us be a healing balm to the world we love as He does.



  1. There was nothing offensive in your post, Alan. You simply shared your heart, which is a powerful thing to do. The thing that does 'offend' me these days is the blatant racism I her and see against the Asian community. Now, THAT is offensive! And it is one of those cracks that has been exposed, I think...

  2. Hi Tracy. Thank you for your understanding. I hear you about "racism." There are many heartbreaking, "cracks," in our country. As a man I'm ashamed of horrors like human trafficking and other abuses perpetuated by men. I'm sincere when I say writers who are Christians must offer hope to people. This is my hope.

  3. Love this, Alan! : “We can help heal the rotten cracks in our society that have become, “normal,” today. We can fill them with the hope, love, and the peace of God. We can pray and pray again.”

    1. Thank you for caring for people, Pam. Our poor country needs our continual prayers.

  4. Thanks, Alan, for sharing your thoughts on today’s circumstances. I agree that we can through prayer fill the cracks in society "with hope, love and the peace of God.” I looked up the reference for “Pray without ceasing,” as I wanted to read it in context. Paul wrote this in his first letter to the Thessalonians. My apologies for this rather long passage, but I believe it is in synch with what you’re saying and so appropriate for our present time.

    1 Thessalonians 5:12-18 12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the LORD and who admonish you. 13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else. 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus .

    1. Thank you for the Scripture back up, Sharon.

  5. I'm also wondering what the world will look like after the virus leaves. Your heart shines through in this post.

  6. Hi Vickie. Yes, I wonder the same thing. I hope we all learn positive and compassionate lessons during this time.

  7. Thank you, Alan!
    I’ve noticed that during this time of isolation people seem to have time to reminisce. “Cracks” from the past brought back into consciousness - needing healing. I received 4 calls in one week from friends and strangers dealing with childhood trauma - a mother’s suicide, a friend killed by a drunk driver - - They just needed to share, to find a way to lay it to rest. So this strange covid time provided space to heal what had been pushed aside.

  8. Hi Angie. Yes, I am hearing of instances like you mention. Times of crisis bring out so many dimensions of reflection and life experiences. In your case it sounds like the people you mention were in need of a listening heart. They found this in you.

  9. Thank you for your honesty and transparency of heart, Alan. Hope-so much power in that word. May we instill hope always and in all ways.

  10. Thanks for your words of wisdom concerning the Covid crisis, Alan. It's so true that "the COVID-19 wave of misery has not taken God by surprise". It is a time for us to give others hope and to pray for a turning to God for the people of our nation!!


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