May 05, 2020

Resources for Review Day

It's REVIEW DAY here on the blog!

Did you even know that we had a regular day each month set aside for reviews? It's true! Unfortunately, not many of our members take advantage of this.

If you have read a good book - a book that you think would be helpful for writers, or one written by a member -  please contact me (the moderator!) and let me know. I would love to see this day FULL each month!

I am in the process of reading several good books, but did not get around to writing a review yet. One is called PRODUCTIVITY FOR AUTHORS by Joanna Penn and so far it is excellent. I plan to share my review once I'm finished.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share another resource. The Winter issue of FellowScript, was chock full of resources -  both online and books. There were several reviews, too. Despite the many fantastic suggestions, I was almost overwhelmed by all the suggestions and didn't really take the time to research them further. However, now is the time to go back and check out some of those links!

I must admit that I love getting the hardcopy of FellowScript in the mail every month, but this particular issue shows why the pdf version is also very valuable. It is easy to go into the online version and click on all those links - something you can't do with the hardcopy! And... may I remind you that ALL MEMBERS now receive the e-version of FellowScript as a bonus for being a member - even those that also subscribe to the hardcopy version.

Why not take some time during this season of 'self isolation' and dig a little deeper into the many wonderful offerings available.

1 comment:

  1. Good reminder. I highlighted a bunch of resources mentioned in the last HC FellowScript. I need to go back and look those up! .


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