February 16, 2019

Some Encouraging Words by Nina Faye Morey

God’s Word Spurs Me On

What’s in a word? Words have power. Words can tear down, or they can build up. Our faith is built on the Word of God (1 Corinthians 2:5). God created our world with His words (Genesis 1:3). God’s only Son, Jesus, is called “The Word” (John 1:1). Our hope is founded on The Word of Life: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).

Just as God begat the world with His words, He wants us Christian writers to create something with our words. It’s no wonder that we feel a deep desire to use our words to honour and glorify Him. It’s also not surprising that we feel spurred on to use our words to encourage and build each other up in our faith and writing. We write to celebrate God and His Word. We write to spread the Good News of His love and grace to others. We strive to be faithful to God’s Word with our own words. We are not motivated to write in order to profit ourselves, but we write to profit others by sharing His Word (2 Corinthians 2:17).

It wasn’t long after I recommitted my life to the Lord, that He led me to 1 Corinthians 12, which gives Paul’s descriptions of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As I studied this passage, I felt inspired to use the gift of writing God had given me to bear witness to Him and glorify His name. As I prayed to the Lord for more guidance, I sensed Him spurring me on to write about my personal experiences to witness to and encourage others. So, I turned to Christ’s parables to learn how He used everyday experiences to illustrate the lessons He preached. As I studied these parables, I realized that I had stories to share that might encourage others as they travelled their own spiritual paths.

Through these stories, I endeavour to show my readers the power of God’s love, and I hope they’ll feel comforted, encouraged, and blessed by my words. But before I put my pen to paper or my fingers on the keyboard, I always ask the Lord to inspire, guide, and empower me to use the right words to reach reader’s hearts and encourage them in their life and faith.

Fellow InScribers Spur Me On

Belonging to InScribe is one of the best decisions I’ve made as a Christian writer. I love InScribe because it’s truly a “fellowship” of writers who are believers like me. It’s an organization that provides many opportunities for its members to openly share both their faith and their writing. Writers often tread a lonely path, but we needn’t feel alone. There are several ways we can spur one another on, no matter where each of us is on our spiritual journey or that bumpy path to publication.

Being a writer is not an easy career—our craft is a challenging one. InScribe is a fellowship in which we’re allowed to boast about our publishing triumphs and bewail our rejection slips. When we’re feeling down and discouraged, we encourage one another to keep the faith, to keep on writing, and to keep on submitting. When we begin to drown in doubt, there are always fellow InScribers ready to buoy us up. InScribers have the heart of Barnabas, the “son of encouragement” (Acts 4:26). We’re each other’s cheerleaders, always ready to encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

What encouraging words have you spoken to spur someone on today?

Photo Credits: Pixabay


  1. I love the logic of your blog, Nina Faye. For example when you say, "Just as God begat the world with His words, He wants us Christian writers to create something with our words. It’s no wonder that we feel a deep desire to use our words to honour and glorify Him." Your blog puts our desire to write into a rational and relatable framework. Thank you.

  2. Dear Nina, I also love what you said about God wanting "Christian writers to create something with our words." Our Creator made us in His image, so it makes sense that people would crave creative endeavors.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. Hi Nina. Encouragement is priceless. I agree wholeheartedly with you about being part of InScribe. I too believe being part of InScribe is one of the best decisions I've made as a writer. We are indeed in this together. Bless you as you continue to create through your words.

  4. Thank you, Nina, for sharing a little of how you were spurred in your own writing journey. A lovely encouragement.


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