February 15, 2019

Share It - Tracy Krauss

I forget exactly when I took over from Brenda Leyland as moderator of this blog, but I have to say that in the years following, YOU, dear writers, have encouraged and challenged me far more than you probably know. Paul's directive, “consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds …encouraging one another” (Hebrews 10:23-25) is exactly what happens here on the IWO blog on an almost daily basis.

Reading your words, commenting, and sharing them on social media has become a very important part of my daily routine. May I encourage you to keep on writing and keep on sharing this blog with others. You never know who may be encouraged by the words found here.


  1. I agree very much with what you are saying, Tracy. I believe it was in early 2018 when Connie Inglis wrote a devotional on the idea of InScribe Christian Writer's Fellowship being more than an organization or a guild. We are a "fellowship," Connie said, or "a koinania of believers who are writers." Strongly supporting what she said, I wrote about this in my Encouragement column in the August 2018 issue of Fellowscript.

    Like you, Tracy, I find much challenge and encouragement in InScribe Writers Online. Thanks to you and Brenda for moderating this site and helping us out, as needed. And thanks to all the writers who share their thoughts on this site. Keep up the good work, my fellow members of the Fellowship!

  2. Tracy,

    You've been a wonderful presence here, and we are grateful for your encouragement and cheer as you oversee our blog.

  3. Thank you, Tracy. Much of my motivation for posting at IWO is because of you.


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