August 21, 2017

Breaking News .... by Jocelyn Faire

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming to Bring You This Very Important Public Service Announcement   robinkirbygattodotcom.files.wordpress.

The Lord foils the plans of the nations;
    He thwarts the purposes of the peoples.
 Psalm 33:10 NIV  

The human journey fills with interruptions of our regularly scheduled lives by ...
disaster, joy, babies, disease, beauty, rainbows, cups of tea, storms, phone calls, questioning children, loneliness, reminders that life is not fair
We interrupt whatever you're doing to bring you ...
Interruption ... what does it mean? ... The online dictionary defines it as:

1. to cause or make a break in the continuity or uniformity of (a course, process, condition, etc.). break off or cause to cease, as in the middle of something: (from

This month while contemplating the topic of interruptions ...  planning once again to work ahead, my plans were thwarted once more. Ceasing as in the middle of something became a regular occurrence. My mind was busy taking mental notes of life interruptions that were happening all around me.
My brother in law was in a motor cycle accident, and from the  moment the police arrived at my sister's door to rush her to the hospital to be with him, her life has been turned sideways into an endurance pace for a brain injury recovery. The prognosis is positive, but the days are filled with uncertainty. This accident impacted many lives and events. On another note it meant that my sister and I were now the co-planners for a family baby shower. Even though planned, that baby's arrival is an interruption of eternal significance for my nephew and his wife. That baby girl is a delightful interruption for the smitten first-time around grandparents. My daughter's furlough has been interrupted with uncertainty after the hospitalization of her mother in law. Her mother-in-law has been battling cancer for a number of years, and the unknown leaves my daughter and her husband wondering if they should delay their return to Africa. 
As I type this morning on a lakeside deck, my husband of eight months interrupts my writing with “Would you like a cup of tea?" I say yes as I reflect on the changes/interruptions of my recent status quo to now having nine new grandchildren who have spent the past few days with us at a cabin on Lake of the Woods in Ontario. Four year old Leah sneaks up to me as I write, she only needs to smile to warm my heart. Her brother's shouts have me rushing to the dock to catch one of my best pictures of the summer. Talk about interruptions! I chuckled as I delighted to have a great image for this month's theme. Here is a frog who has been seriously interrupted. (Yes-it is a garter snake swallowing a frog.)

My recent change of marital status has been one of the most wonderful interruptions that has turned the corner after a long stretch of grief processing.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8 NIV
While writing is not my career, it continues to be an important outlet for the processing of the last dozen years that have been an ongoing series of interruptions. I have prayed for God to continue directing all aspects of my life, especially for the right people to cross my path. I am keenly aware that He is present in all moments. It has been said that interruptions are God's way of getting our attention. I hope to be mindful when it happens. 
The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one's 'own,' or 'real' life. The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one's real life—the life God is sending one day by day.  CS Lewis 


  1. What a wonderful way to look at life's ups and downs, Jocelyn. Interruptions is all they are, and the ultimate journey's end remains the same. I love the poor frog's 'serious interruption'! Great post!

  2. I always find your posts to be so inspiring Joceyn! I also love that 'cups of tea' were listed among the other less desirable interruptions. :) this is real life, isn't it? But God is good despite everything. I have had a similar few months - many 'interruptions' - some not so pleasant, but in it all, I can still say, "It is well with my soul.'

  3. One of our InScribe blog readers wrote recently, regarding another blog, that she or he, got chills reading that blog. Your blog, Jocelyn, brought goose bumps to my arms and tears to the edge of my bottom eyelids. I sit pondering what you have said and what you are experiencing. Your quote by C. S. Lewis at the end sums up what you are sharing with us so well. Thanks for sharing, and I pray for all of you. Where do I begin? May you all feel him close beside you. Amen

  4. That poor frog! We do feel like that sometimes, though - life is swallowing us up so we cannot be who we are meant to be, which is a frog turning into a prince (princess). Thankfully, God's presence protects us and His kiss of salvation saves us. Life is good because God is good, not because it is interruption free. Thanks for the reminder.


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