July 22, 2017

A Personal Love of Canada - Alan Anderson

For the first time since blogging here I almost forgot.

When I think of Canada I think of the wonder of home. I think of my adopted home. I think of the land of my birth

The wonder of Canada as home. Canada is an amazing country. It is huge in landmass. It is composed of people from all over the world who accept her welcoming heart. I love how most people at least, respect the wisdom in assimilating into Canada as a unique culture. I sincerely appreciate Canada is a country that for the most part believes in freedom of religion and speech.

I have travelled to a number of locales in Canada and I stand amazed at her beauty. Having spent most of my life in British Columbia I love the mountains. I love the protection of evergreen trees and the soaring of the eagles we see all year round. I love the sense of awareness that surrounds me when I go for a hike in the mountains and forests. It is the awareness that I am in the home of bears and cougars.

To me, British Columbia is one of Canada’s jewels.

Canada, my adopted home. Although I originally had no choice in coming to Canada I have chosen to live here and undoubtedly will die here. I will explain more about this in the next section of this post.

When I consider the turmoil all too common in certain parts of the world, at least Canada has a history of enjoying a democracy. I have the freedom here to more or less live the way I want without molestation from the government. I pray to God it will remain so.

The freedom of Canada has made it possible for my wife and I to raise our family in peace. This is primarily due to the strength, conviction and sacrifice of the members of our military personnel. Our children are proud of Canada!

Every Canada Day I think of the land of my birth. I was born in Scotland, the land of my soul. Scotland gave me to Canada. As a Scotsman, however, I know that Scotland never gives up her children. I will always be a laddie from Scotland!

I was ten years old when my parents brought my siblings and I to Canada in 1964. We left the land of our births because my parents believed it would present us with a better way of life. For the most part, this has been so.

A regret I have is we did not bring our dog with us. Her name was Lassie. It is something I have never forgotten. We left family and our beautiful Scotland yet I miss my dog even to this day. That may sound crazy to you. I was a boy and I loved Lassie. For the longest time I resented that my parents didn’t bring her with us. I also resented Canada and spent the better part of our first year homesick for Scotland.

As the years have gone by and I have matured I love Canada yet Scotland still runs through my veins. I have never been back.

Canada is home. It took me a long time to realize and accept that fact. I thank my parents for having the courage to uproot themselves for the sake of their children, including me.

Thank you Canada for being so good to me! Thank you Scotland for giving up some of your children to settle in such a wondrous and beautiful Canada!

May God bless us and keep us free!

Blog: ScarredJoy@wordpress.com


  1. Hi Alan. I'm wondering if you got a chance to visit the Scottish town of Fergus when you were down east. I grew up there and it would definitely give you at least a small taste of your beloved Scotland. It would be hard to not go back. I visited Fergus again after being out west for 30 years and it was amazing to be back 'home'. I'm not Scottish but after living there I think I am a wee bit Scottish in my soul lol.

    1. Hi Gloria! Yes we spent a brief time in Fergus. I wanted to see more of it but no time. I almost think I've been away too long to go back.I'm always aware however although we Scots may leave Scotland she never leaves her children

  2. My grandmother was from Nova Scotia. Not Scotland by any stretch but we do share some Scottish heritage. (Although mine is watered down!) I remember seeing soem pictures of you in a kilt. I think it was at a wedding?

    1. Hi Tracy! Having some Scottish blood is better than not having any! :) Yes, I was in a kilt when I officiated by brother's wedding.

  3. Now, we'll all want to see you in your Scottish kilt and talk to you in person to see if we can detect any Scottish brogue. Neat story, Alan, as you hail more directly from your homeland than others of us do. I am half third-generation Swedish and half second-generation Norwegian, but my Norwegian grandfather died before he could hold me on his knee. Canada is my homeland, so I do not long for another home. I still would like to speak Swedish, which I heard a lot as a child.


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