February 27, 2017

WorDshops Near You!

We have an exciting line up of ‘WorDshops’ coming your way this spring. What is a WorDshop? Think of it as a ‘mini-conference’ – a day of speakers and workshops geared to encouraging and assisting both new and seasoned writers in their craft and calling. It’s a wonderful way to connect with other writers in your area, and you’re sure to come away inspired and equipped.

This year there are several WorDshops planned across western Canada, including events in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. (See the listing below or go to the Inscribe website – http://inscribe.org/events/wordshops ) The overall theme for 2017 is ‘Write Words’, but each event has its own flair and features seasoned and award winning Canadian Christian writers as keynote presenters. As well, each WorDshop includes a variety of break out workshops.

For more information, visit the Inscribe website. Registration is online and is a two-step process. First, fill out the application form. Then, go to the online store and pay for your session. You can also register at the door, although there is a discount for registering online. Local authors that attend have the opportunity to sell their books, and there are door prizes and other incentives, too.

If you’re looking for a way to connect with other authors of faith, or if you need some inspiration, why not come to the WorDshop nearest you?

2017 InScribe Spring WorDshops

Edmonton, AB
March 18, 2017 – 9am – 4pm
Keynote: Dayna Mazzuca –
‘Write On Target’ – a ‘hands on’ day of reaching your target audience
Location: Richmond Park Evangelical Missionary Church
9340 69 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB   

Steinbach, MB
March 18, 2017 – 9am – 4pm
Keynote: Tracy Krauss
“A Call to Authenticity”
Location: Steinbach Days Inn
75 Pth 12 N, Steinbach, MB

Regina, SK
March 25, 2017 – 9 – 3:30 pm
Keynote: Janice Dick
“Sharing the Writing Journey”
Location: Argyle Road Baptist Church
3510 Argyle Road, Regina, SK

Blackfalds, AB
April1, 2017 – 9am – 4pm
Keynote: Marcia Laycock
Location: 5005 Broadway Ave
Blackfalds, AB

Aidrie, AB
April 1, 2017 – 9am – 3pm
Keynote: TBA
Location: Nose Creek Valley Museum, Symons Valley Room
1701 Main Street SW
Airdrie, AB

Fort St. John, BC
May 13, 2017 – 9am – 4pm
Keynote: Erin Peters
Location: Evangel Chapel
10040, 100th Street, Fort St. John



  1. What an exciting line-up! (I get to organize the food for the Edmonton one!) I hope that next year we can host a few WorDshops out east. Members, do you realize Tracy (our InScribe VP) will help you set up a WorDshop, show you how to find speakers, advertise, etc. and that we can even pay a venue deposit up front if need be? I know our eastern members would love a chance to attend a WorDshop and meet each other. Anyone interested, contact VP@incribe.org .

  2. Wish I had wings so I could attend each one!

  3. Neat idea, Marnie. You could pick me up in Barrhead and we could fly together.


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