February 22, 2017

A Mutual Love of Writing! By Alan Anderson

I hear them everyday. They tease me and I hear them snicker. They say, “You know you want to! We’re running around in a mess trying to find our way.” I know what they mean, the little sneaks!  They are in my head just waiting to get out. I can feel them drooling to get on to a page. They wonder what is taking me to become motivated. I finally realize the little beggars are right! A story waits!

I love to write! I even love the game words play with me. I never know what the words that settle in my mind are up to. They kind of sit there inside my head quiet like. I know they are in there. They can’t fool me! The thing is it takes me some time to figure out what they want to say. Oh boy, wait until you read what I’m going to say next.

I talk to the words hiding in my noggin! Yes, I do! I ask them what they want to say. I can be sitting with my family enjoying their company. Before long my mind begins to wander. The words are talking to me. I can’t ignore them! I want to spend time with my family. The words don't seem to care. They persist. I ask them to leave me alone for a while. They are relentless.

I will let you know something. Are you ready? Okay, here goes. The words always win! Yes, they never lose. In time, I can be found sitting at my computer or writing in my writing pad. The words begin to quiet down and come together. It brings sweet relief to the word crowded center of my intellect. The words are thrilled!

Here is something you writers who are also readers will appreciate. Our words love us! We give them something to look forward to. We understand them and they love that. Our words feel fulfilled when they also know we love them.

The next time you express your joy of writing tell your words that you love them! They will always love you even more in return! It is a mutual, life long love and that's the joy of writing!

Blog: ScarredJoy@wordpress.com


  1. Smiled all through this unique POV! And yes, I have never told my words I love them! They're an expression given to us by our Lord. How could we not love them?! Great post, Alan.

    1. The thing is Bobbi, if you really love your words they get together and plan how to help you. Before you know it a story or poem, or song etc. comes to you. It's kind of neat!

  2. Replies
    1. That means your words are smilint too Tracy! Sometimes they even giggle! Listen! Hear them?

  3. I strongly identify with you, Alan! And I HAVE thanked my words.

    1. Hi Ruth! Thankful words means a thankful story!

  4. Thanks, Alan, for taking us along on your winsome way, starting with your winsome smile in your photo, your winsome thoughts and winsome words that delight. May God continue to bless your words.

    1. Hi Sharon! My smile was supposed to be cheeky but I'll take winsome! Thank you for the encouragement!

  5. Haha, I had a good chuckle! 😊
    Pam M

    1. Hi Pam! A chuckle is good for you! I chuckle too when I know words are running around inside my head. I keep trying to think ahead of them. I've learned to just relax and let them figure out what they want me to say for them. Oh well, what's a guy to do?

  6. "We're running around in a mess, trying to find our way." and "drooling to get onto the page" - absolutely hooked me for this read. I can picture your words (and mine) doing exactly this. Thanks for the visual, Alan.

  7. Love your opening paragraph! Kept me reading all the way. Thanks Alan!
    Your a great writer.

  8. Enjoyed your post ... lots of great word pictures. I totally relate to your comment of it taking you time to figure out what your words want to say to you. I find it that way too. I was taken with your idea that our words love us -- not only we loving words but them loving us. Thanks, Alan.


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