February 20, 2017

Words, Words, Wonderful Words by Joylene M. Bailey

What is it that draws me to the page day after day?

It’s the words. 
Words, words, wonderful words.  
They provoke, twist, assuage, encourage, and roll off the tongue.

Ian Hanomansing anyone? 
Not the guy. The name. It’s the most roll-off-the-tonguish name ever!

Words like Pepito and pizzicato that make you think of tiptoeing across the floor.

Words that make you lisp, like Duluth and mythical.

Fun made up words like yertle and sneetches and fiffer-feffer-feff. (Thank you Dr. Suess).

My absolute favourite thing about writing is searching out the perfect word. Sometimes it takes 2 hours, but when I hit upon that just-right word, it’s like little firecrackers – sparklers – go off somewhere. It truly is a joy that comes from deep within. And I thank the Lord for words, words, wonderful words. 

It is a joy to me when I know that the Father is pleased, not only with what I’m creating, but that I’m creating at all. And the most joyous of times have been those rare moments when I sensed that the Father and I were co-writing. He giving the ideas and approving the work, me doing the actual hands-on work of researching, and choosing word after word after word.
Co-creating words of life.

And the satisfaction?
The first time I saw an article of mine in a distinguished magazine and not a church or school newsletter, I couldn’t wait for my husband to get home. Before he even got halfway through the door I ran up to him, flashed the open magazine in front of his face and exclaimed, “This is ME!”

It’s a moment I will always remember.

But more than that, when I receive comments that my writing has meant something to someone, made them laugh, made them think, made them feel something, even prompted them to try something new; that my words have brought life in some way. That’s what brings me the most joy and satisfaction.

As I’ve been working on this blog post, an old Sunday-School hymn has been crooning in my head. Maybe you will remember it too.


1.     Sing them over again to me,
Wonderful words of life;
Let me more of their beauty see,
Wonderful words of life;
Words of life and beauty,
Teach me faith and duty:

Beautiful words, wonderful words,
Wonderful words of life;
Beautiful words, wonderful words,
Wonderful words of life.

2.     Christ the blessed One, gives to all
Wonderful words of life;
Sinner, list to the loving call,
Wonderful words of life;
All so freely given,
Wooing us to heaven:

Beautiful words, wonderful words,
Wonderful words of life;
Beautiful words, wonderful words,
Wonderful words of life.

3.     Sweetly echo the gospel call,
Wonderful words of life;
Offer pardon and peace to all,
Wonderful words of life;
Jesus, only Savior,
Sanctify forever,

Beautiful words, wonderful words,
Wonderful words of life;
Beautiful words, wonderful words,
Wonderful words of life.

If you are unfamiliar with the tune, you can find it here.

Words, words, wonderful words. May God continue to give us words of life to share with our world, as we fulfill our calling as His writers.

All above photos from pixabay.com

Joylene puts word after word after word together from her home in Edmonton. Find more of them at her blog, Scraps of Joy - a Joy infused view of the world.


  1. As usual, Joy, your w o r d s make me smile. You infuse me with your enthusiasm - a rare thing for a stodgy soul like me. My favourite line? "Words that make you lisp, like Duluth and mythical" You see the world through joyous, childlike eyes, and let me peek through them, too, when I get to read your writing.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Bobbi. :)

  2. "I know that the Father is pleased, not only with what I’m creating, but that I’m creating at all." Love that line! (And Ian has a great name, doesn't he?! You must watch CBC, too!)

    1. Since I first heard his name years ago I couldn't resist saying it out loud. Haha

  3. I began singing that hymn in my head after your 3rd line.
    I SO connect with you on this. As a linguist, I LOVE words too--and get excited when I find JUST the right one in my writing. And ditto what Tracy said: I love that line too! Keep writing! Keep creating my friend.

    1. So glad to find someone else who knows that hymn. Thanks, Connie.

  4. I just love how you write, Joy! You have brought a smile to my lips this morning, and a desire to go word hunting! :) I remember that old hymn, too!

    1. Another one who remembers the hymn. :) Happy word hunting!

  5. Yes! You put wonderful words to what my heart feels. And now I will sing that hymn all day. Thank you. 💗

  6. For all of the above, I thank you, Joy. Yes, it is exciting to see our stories with our byline in print. That moment says, I must do this more often. I too remember this elderly hymn, Wonderful Words, Beautiful Words. I hadn't thought of this in writer's terms, but, upon thinking of it, that could be our theme song.

  7. You've given us some wonderful words to roll on our tongues, to savour in our thoughts, and to feel for ourselves your own 'joy that comes from deep within'. Altogether lovely, Joy!


  8. Thanks for this thoughtful post, Joy. Sharing how finding the right word gives you joy bring back to mind how finding a good metaphor or simile gives me an endorphin lift. You also reminded me just how much God is pleased when our words bring meaning, help and even laughter to others.


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